Forget-me-not Monday

I am taking advantage of Sian at High in the sky’s lovely idea to tell you about something new I’ve learned or something new I’ve done over the weekend. And of course taking the opportunity to wave to her and her Monday wavers.

Its Memorandum Monday and I am able to contribute!

So, ages ago I told you about raising awareness of dementia by contributing to the Alzheimers Society’s idea to get (by fair means!) 3,000 forget-me-nots knitted or crochet or sewn and displayed on the pier during Dementia Awareness Week.

3,000+ is the number of people with dementia in North Somerset.

I would like to say Thank You to Helena and Sian who kindly crochet some beautiful flowers to add to the flower pool. Also, I had two Intstagram friends do the same. I was so touched by your generosity. The craft club I go to made loads and I made some too of course.

It wasn’t the easiest place to photograph! We had a great time though. I spent what seemed like hours looking for our flowers to no avail! The sun shone, the rain kept away, the people came and 3 Singing for the Brain groups were there to lead us in a sing song. I met up with some friends, colleagues and some of my ‘old’ clients.

There were forget me nots everywhere! on aprons, on jackets on pins becoming badges, in tubs, in a childs paddling pool! it was full to the brim (no water!) A children’s playgroup had drawn pictures of forget-me-nots and someone had made some pottery flowers, 2 of which now live on my desk.










Oh! and how many flowers do you think they collected. (They were counted as they came into the office)


Thank you again, hope you all have a good week.

Memorandum Monday

Hello to Sian and all Monday Bloggers.

Over the weekend I learnt how to make Dorset Posies. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for ages and was prompted by the pictures and instructions in a magazine I was about to give away!
Do you remember when you got chips wrapped in newspaper? You found yourself reading every word on the page? That was me on Friday, thumbing through this magazine that was two years old being captivated by these pretty little sewing projects.
They were such fun to do and after the first one they became quick and easy to put together whilst catching up on the iPlayer or watching a film. I have an idea or three buzzing around my head now…

Dorset Posies are a variation of Dorset Buttons which were stitched by hand in the county of Dorset UK from the early 1600’s to 1851. They were shipped all over the world and were even worn by royalty. This cottage industry employed over 4000 people at its height, making over 100 different Dorset button types, all in white linen. Their popularity died overnight after the Great Exhibition of 1851, when a new button machine was showcased.


Memorandum Monday is Sian’s idea. you can find her here

Memorandum Monday

and Forget-me-nots

I have been learning to crochet something that resembles what it’s supposed to be. Although I knew how to make the stitches I could never turn a corner without the whole thing curling up on me.

I am making Forget-me-nots for a project our local Alzheimers Society is doing. Would you like to make a couple of these for me/them?
I will attach the poster and instructions at the end of the post but any pattern you have on paper or in your head will be perfect. This week I am going to try making the forget-me-nots from fabric.

My weekends productivity


I made all sorts of centres and they are far from perfect but then the forget-me-nots in my garden are all a bit different 🙂

Poster screenshot

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 11.01.04

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 11.01.23

Thank you Sian at High in the Sky for Memorandum Monday. Waving wildly from Weston on an overcast Monday but its NOT raining! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

Memorandum Monday

Does learning to use a new app come under learning or first time doing? I have no idea but I’ll tell you what’s new around here.

Paul & I share the shopping with him doing the bulk of it. I still get so tired walking around the supermarket.
Anyhow the list which I religiously make is always in a different place to either of us! And, worse, I think is that I write the menus for the week on the back of the list! It is a ridiculous, for me, thing to do, because once everything is crossed off the list, the list gets thrown away!

We have a new app called OneNote. It is an amazingly powerful tool but we are using it for a shopping list which we can share on our phones. (we can both access it from laptop, desk top and tablets) I have a separate page for my meal planner. Genius or what? I love it!

I just looked at my meal planner and noticed I have planned to have Slag Bol (from the freezer) one evening. OK nothing’s perfect. It is, like everything else, subject to the dreaded auto correct…

Thank you for this lovely idea Sian. Waving, Wildly! from Weston.

I have a second flowering on my Christmas Cacti! the world’s gone mad!

Christmas cacti

Memorandum Monday

Sian has a great new link up for Monday. It expands on her waving on Monday theme. This time she wonders if we have done something for the first time or learned something new over the weekend and here is the place to share.

Vegetarians look away.

I made oxtail soup from scratch for the first time! I was walking past a butcher and saw the ox tails in the window. They were all neatly tied up and looked very appetising. Now I have never had this soup before but Paul loves it and has it from a can. I don’t even like the smell of it. So in a way I bought them to make something nice for him.
The finished result was absolutely beautiful!
OK it took most of Saturday afternoon and evening and then overnight in the fridge but goodness me, it really was delicious! So delicious that I completely forgot to a take a photo of it! It was a brown colour and looked like soup and had bits of beef in.

It was a BBC Good Food Recipe: Oxtail Soup

The soup was this sort of brown

Rather than this sort of brown.
And just a wet!

Arn’t they lovely?
I saw them on the way back from crafting with friends just this afternoon. I braved Storm Imogen to get out of the car and take some pictures.

Waving to you today, hoping you are safe and warm and dry.