December and Me

This lovely idea is Sian’s over at high in the sky.

I was laughing with my husband about the way things used to be and how very old and out of touch with the modern world we feel. There, did you notice? I used the phrase ‘Modern World’ I used it quite naturally, without thought, it’s become part of my language. My grandmother used to say that!

We used to go to the village to see what lovely things The Goblin Market had in stock. Call in at the bank to get some cash, then onto Cantells to look and possibly order some of our Christmas fayre. Then along the road to Elsies the florist to see what new ideas she had for christmas floral decorations. Drop in at the post office to buy stamps and drop them into the box outside. His mums or her mums for Christmas day lunch would already be decided, we go to the opposite one from last year. And on the way home call in at Clays the butcher to order what we wanted for new year

Now its all ‘on line’ Should I pay for next day? I’ve booked ‘my slot’ at the supermarket, I have until 15th to make alterations. My friend is taking me to a wreath making class. I can’t remember the last time I had any money in my purse, I don’t even need a few pounds since I can now fast pay on my card.
The ‘kids are going to Lapland to see Father Christmas for a week! What’s wrong with the co-op? Does he not go there anymore?
Mind you I remember e-mailing him last year!

Hey Ho as I’m prone to chanting these days. We will have a wonderful day, the only things I am making are some gifts for the family. I have long since learnt that Christmas is still magical even though the most I do is have a supermarket delivery, peel the sprouts and open the rather luscious Christmas pudding.
I need, ‘at home together’, more than anything this year.

Today I am sticking with the wonderful tradition of actually hand writing my Christmas cards with Christmas carols filling the air around me.

Happy December.

Dear Santa, All I want for Christmas this year is for the person reading this to be Healthy Happy and loved.

Sian’s Christmas Club

Sian from High in the Sky has invited us to share a Christmas story in the few weeks before Christmas, here is mine for this week.

Every year this little Christmas Nativity Scene brings treasured memories for me and laughter for my son.

The nativity scene belonged to my mother and was put out every Christmas throughout our childhood. You will see that the baby Jesus is wrapped in ‘swaddling clothes’ It is a piece of cloth my mother wrapped him in many years ago.
My younger brother insisted that the baby lay in his manger every day during advent whereas my very traditional Irish mother forbid it! The child wasn’t born until Christmas morning and so the manger was to be empty until then.
So, every day the baby was put in the manger by Gerard and every day he was taken out of the manger by mother, first he was in and then he was out, and so it continued all through advent for many years until he got so bashed that his arm fell off!!
My poor mother was heart broken and wrapped him up as you see him here.
When mum died the little crib came to me.
The story of the baby Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes gets more outrageous with every telling and now that my son tells our visitors the story I suspect that by the end of the evening the baby has no limbs at all!
Merry Christmas Gerard…Miriam x

I posted this story on November 28th 2010 so apologies if you have seen it before but as I put the little nativity scene on my kitchen windowsill over the weekend I thought I would share it again.

Thanks Sian

December Days

Once again I have loved doing this project. Apart from a few days of going with my own thoughts I followed along with Shimelles prompts this year. I used a different format this time too. A new shape, inspired by Rinda at Gallo Organico and no pictures apart from page 12.
I might add a couple of pages of photos at the end but to be honest I didn’t take very many pictures this year, I found trying to stay well zapped all my energy and creativity. I am sure the project won’t suffer!
Here’s a look at the finished book.

December days cover

December days fin.2

December days fin.3

December days.fin.1

December Days fin.4

Thanks for looking.

December Days

I have the last of my pages to share with you today.I decided to do just the days in December this year. I have all my journalling pages printed now, I just need to trim them and attach them to the Christmas cards which are also cut out.

Day 26

Day 27

Day 28

Day 29

Day 30

Day 31

I have a birthday dinner to go to this evening so tomorrow should see the project finished. Have you been able to complete your December Journal?