The Teddy Bear and The High Heel

I noticed this and thought of Helena and her recent shoe post

Painted in Waterlogue

I also have this in my photo stream, thought it might make you all smile


Processed with Waterlogue

Well….it beats cleaning any day šŸ™‚

Simple things make me happy and even though it’s my second post today, I hope the little images from my cooker top make you smile too.

Gosh! I had no idea…

Catching up on some blog reading I came across a number of posts showing the wonderful quilt project that Fiona is hosting. I confess to feeling a little quilt square envy.
Then I saw this and thought it would make you smile, it’s my way of joining in.

Advice from a Singer sewing manual from 1949.

Prepare yourself mentally for sewing. Think about what you are going to doā€¦ never approach sewing with a sigh or lackadaisically. Good results are difficult when indifference predominates.

Never try to sew with a sink full of dirty dishes or beds unmade. When there are urgent housekeeping chores, do these first so your mind is free to enjoy your sewing.

When you sew, make yourself as attractive as possible. Put on a clean dress. Keep a little bag full of French chalk near your sewing machine to dust your fingers at intervals.

Have your hair in order, powder and lipstick put on. If you are constantly fearful that a visitor will drop in or your husband will come home, and you will not look neatly put together, you will not enjoy your sewing.

Gosh! no idea at all!

Singer sewing

Simple Things


What could be simpler than a hen?

I have always wanted hens
I point them out in the field whenever I notice them
ā€œOh! Look! hens!ā€ I say as if itā€™s the first time Iā€™ve seen them
I look at them in pet centres
I envy folks that have a few in their gardens
My brother has hens living next door to him
I go to visit ā€˜the girlsā€™ as soon as we arrive there!
I collect the food from the meal for themā€¦and not just the leftovers
Is it wrong to feed chicken to them?
Or chips?
My brotherā€™s hen neighbours love his sausage cassoulet
Hens fascinate me and Iā€™m just not sure why
The look of them?
The colours?
The way they walk?
the way they run?
The way they live?
The fact that they lay eggs?
The noise they make?
I would call them ā€˜my girlsā€™
I would treat them so well
But I canā€™t have them, they would drive Pepsi nuts and who would care for them when I wasnā€™t here?
Iā€™ll just continue with my fascination
And photograph them

Do you remember the garden centre that sells sheds and sewing machines that I told you about here?

They have hens too, and a turkey and a few ducks and a very grumpy goose.


hens turkey


Simple Things

A simple and beautiful thing for a cold snowy Monday here in my corner of the world.

On a dreary cold morning at the farm shop I noticed the new buds on the young beech trees. How beautiful that the leaves stay until the new buds are open. No one knows why this happens, perhaps to protect the new buds from browsing deer, maybe to provide some frost protection to the new buds. Botanists call this retention of dead plant matter marcescence.
Whatever the reason I am glad that they do so that I can see it and share it with you.

The little things

Stay warm, Or cool, which ever will make you happiest.