The Teddy Bear and The High Heel

I noticed this and thought of Helena and her recent shoe post

Painted in Waterlogue

I also have this in my photo stream, thought it might make you all smile


Processed with Waterlogue

Well….it beats cleaning any day 🙂

Simple things make me happy and even though it’s my second post today, I hope the little images from my cooker top make you smile too.

8 thoughts on “The Teddy Bear and The High Heel

  1. Hi Miriam! Who could resist looking at post entitled The High Heel and the Teddy Bear??? Have a small, beloved collection of Teddy Bears myself. No high heels, tho.
    We received your beautiful postcard day before yesterday. Stuff from the sea is my absolute favorite and the colors fit right in my living room! I stood it up on my night stand and Miss JB was right on it sniffing, touching, and having just a wee nibble at the corner. So, your postcard is also taste tested and approved. Don’t worry, tho. Didn’t let her damage it. Have never gotten anything from England before. We were suitably impressed with the “Royal Mail” postmark. 🙂 xx, m & jb

  2. Thanks for the reminder about the shoe post.
    I love it when items appear from our drips. The cat I posted as part of my art journal page in my tea post came out of a paper towel I used while watercoloring.

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