I found this colour really difficult to find, either too yellow or definitely green! So Just linking this one. With the sun shining on my grapevine I thought the fruit looked perfect.
There are some beautiful finds over here this week.
Category Archives: Project 64
Project 64
Project 64 is looking for Sea Green this week. I found this a really difficult colour to find. Everything I looked at in a hopeful way was just the wrong shade of green
I persevered and found 3 pictures this week.
This is my favourite and the one I am entering for Project 64 this week
I noticed this piece of green & yellow wire that I used on a card ages ago. I wound it into a coil to make it a little more interesting to photo
The part of the picture you can’t see is my friend Mary I said sea green immediately I saw her, she said mint! What do you think?
This flower sits on top of a jar of knitted flowers. Once I blew the dust off I thought it was a fairly good match.
Lots of Sea Green to see over here at Project 64
Project 64
At Project 64 we are looking for red this week.
What a great colour and it is everywhere I look, from milk bottle tops, to toy busses from Gazania to Geranium and from my new nail colour to my shoulders from sitting in the sun too long!
Here are my finds, at least the ones I think are suitable for publication!
My favourite and the one I am entering for week 26 is this tomato because that’s what everyone said I looked like after the hottest weekend we have had since I can’t remember when..
And some other beautiful reds around me this week.
Gazania still looking fabulous in the sun.

Raspberries so sweet and luscious this year, and in my favourite blue bowl.

And a red rose for my boy because he thinks that red is the only colour a rose should be.

Have a look at some stunning finds for red over here at Project 64
Project 64

Project 64 is looking for a beautiful sunny yellow this week. Crayola call it Goldenrod. I used to have a plant called Goldenrod flowering in my garden but it has disappeared this year!
Here are my finds for this lovely colour.
I saw this pretty rose on a walk this week. A yellow rose is a symbol of friendship and joy according to folklore, so this is for you.
This pretty Foxtail lily came in a bouquet my sister-in-law brought for me at the weekend. I thought it was so beautiful and just right for Goldenrod.
But this is my favourite find. It lives on the window-sil on the stairs, I walk past it a hundred times a day and today I looked a little closer. I love this project! I see things with new eyes every week.
There will be lots more goldenrod to see over here this week.
Crazy Days of Summer are also looking for yellow this week so for the first time I am linking these pictures over there as well!

Project 64

Project 64 is looking for Olive Green this week. I thought this was a difficult colour to find, so many greens around but just not the right shade.
I was almost giving up when I noticed this little stook of wheat on my shelf collecting dust, I thought the stalks were just perfect.
This is such a great project for opening my eyes to what’s around me.
I put it on a book on my windowsill when I had finished the photos and the book was such a good match too!
Have a look over here for lovely olive green shots this week.