Love is…

I used to love reading the Love is…cartoon strip in the daily newspaper when I was a girl.
A few days ago Sian posted a gorgeous picture of a beautifully packed lunch her husband had made for her. She called it Love is a sandwich.
I have been making a series of Love is… 5 x 7 pages since the beginning of the year. I thought you might like to see some of them. I might print them and put them in my ‘One little Word’ album which is turning into a ‘Project Life’ album. I love how that happens don’t you?

What are you loving right now?

Like Knitting in the Sky

There was an air display in our coastal town this week.
The weather was spectacular for it. Dry, at last! Hot as a hot place and wonderful clear blue skies, hooray!
Most of the population of the UK was either in our town or trying to get into our town.
(Visitor numbers courtesy of my husband)

Sitting on the sea wall next to us was a lovely couple with a young family. The boy was about six years old and the girl, about five. She was dressed in pink, from top to toe, as pretty a picture.
Oh, OK, in case the equality police are reading, the boy was in khaki shorts and a tea shirt with writing on, looking… just like a boy. (Happy?)

The Red Arrows were the highlight of the afternoon and gave us a stunning display with their usual effortless precision.
When they whizz off into the middle distance between manoeuvres, where do they go?
Well they completely wowed us all, except the young boy.
He was completely disappointed that they didn’t fire any guns or drop any bombs in our sea!
The little girl on the other hand was enthralled with their smoke trails. She thought they looked just like knitting in the sky.

Brought to you by Sian, she that is High in the Sky and her wonderful Story Telling Sunday.

Journal Your Christmas 12th and 13th

I have my pages 12 & 13 to share with you today. I had Friday off work this week so was able to catch up with a few things, not least of which was a bit of housework! I soon got fed up with that and returned to finishing card making. I have left it so late again I won’t catch sight of the second class stamps again this year!
I wonder if I am the only one left who is posting her cards so late?

Do you have a favourite carol?

Journal Your Christmas 11th December.

I had some time to myself on Sunday which is just as well because my journal entry for 11th has taken on a life of it’s own. I seem to have so much to say about Shimelle’s prompt for wrapping and then there was the story of the reindeer to tell. If only she hadn’t mentioned that this could be a really quick page to do!
My pages are quite small (5×7), so one page has turned into 5!….and the 11th wasn’t wrapping…
That’s the joy of this project though, no rules!

If you would like to read my journalling click on the page, it should open large enough to read in a new window.

Journal your Christmas 5th & 6th

Hooray, some pictures on my pages

bet you thought I wasn’t going to include any!
I do want the main focus to be on my journalling this year, which is why I joined Shimelles class (loving it so far!) Lots of colour will come from the Christmas card on the left hand page and I have pretty digital tags from Katie Pertiet at Designer Digitals that I have printed and cut ready to attach to the pages. There is room on the back of the tag for extra pictures or handwriting. I will put some pages together at the weekend and show you something that looks a bit like a book. In the meantime here are my pages 5 and 6.
There are such lovely journals on the forum and over the internet this year, very inspiring indeed.

How’s your journal coming along?