An Ordinary Life

I have this friend, (whom I love very much) every time we go out for coffee she asks me the same thing.
So, what have you been up to? been anywhere? done anything? I used to say no, not much really, then she would rattle off the hundred facinating things that she has done, places she has been, friends that they have had over or been to LAST WEEK! and then tell me I really ought to get out! I used to feel that my life was a bit sad and inconsequential. But then one time, I told her how happy I was that I had my husband home after a week away, or my son was visiting from UNI or the weather was going to be great and we could take our dog for a walk whilst holding hands just happy to be together, or best of all, nothing at all was happening this weekend and we could stay in bed for an extra hour or two drinking tea, talking and having a cuddle because we had missed each other during the week! Give me a cuddle, a beautiful sunset or a glass of something nice and I am happy!
not a brilliant photo, my camera was on the wrong setting!

What makes you happy?

Thinking about…

I like visiting Deb over at Carrots & Kids. She has interesting non craft related things and gorgeous photos on her blog. Yesterday she was wondering,
‘What are you thinking?’
These were my thoughts about our sons graduation day yesterday morning in the Cathedral at Coventry:
Laughter, tears, friends, freezing cold, sunshine, history, caps, gowns, the incident on the motorway, people late, grateful for mobile phones, contact with people stationary in traffic, time together, love, thanks, posing for photos.
Aching feet, high heels teetering across the cobbles, tiny skirts, long gowns, suited graduands, proud parents, the sound of the organ, the perfume of lilies, the cheers, clapping, caps flying in the air, smiles on faces, hugs and kisses.
A fabulous, beautiful, wonderful day of achievement and pride.
What are you thinking about today?


National Nonstop Jounaling Month

I am playing along with NaNoJouMo but as I have no crafting stuff available at the moment and I am doing Shimelle’s True Stories I thought I would make a kind of crossword with the daily word and its definition.
I have written them out each day in the back of my journal and will (one day) do something with them.
For the moment I wanted to try the first 5 days as a Wordle (thanks Mel for the inspiration)
Inception Choice Quarter Fortune Equanimity

Catching up

I can’t believe it’s 2 weeks since I posted! I jut haven’t felt well, have been off work sick,and just felt generally uncommunicative! Today is a new day & I feel much more like it.

I have been to a quilt show in town today, Weston Super Quilts 2010. I wish I had taken my camera to show you some of the very beautiful needlework that I have seen today! I couldn’t resist a few patchwork pieces from a lady who makes beautiful things to raise money for Friends Of Gambian Schools. I also couldn’t resist this beautiful necklace made by her Gambian ladies.

necklace from Gambia

There is an exhibition of quilts by Camelot Quilters on Saturday 9th October 2010 at the Masonic Hall, Church Street ,Wedmore, Somerset.

Any Ideas?

Does anyone know the name of this lovely golden yellow leaved plant?

The photo was taken early in August.

September 12th

I have two suggestions for this plant,

Jasminum officinale ‘Aureum’ but I have never seen it flower and it’s been in the garden for some years now. Thank you Amanda

Then I found Jasminum officinale Fiona Sunrise by looking at lots of pictures of Jasminium, Im still not sure though. I’ll keep looking