Thinking about…

I like visiting Deb over at Carrots & Kids. She has interesting non craft related things and gorgeous photos on her blog. Yesterday she was wondering,
‘What are you thinking?’
These were my thoughts about our sons graduation day yesterday morning in the Cathedral at Coventry:
Laughter, tears, friends, freezing cold, sunshine, history, caps, gowns, the incident on the motorway, people late, grateful for mobile phones, contact with people stationary in traffic, time together, love, thanks, posing for photos.
Aching feet, high heels teetering across the cobbles, tiny skirts, long gowns, suited graduands, proud parents, the sound of the organ, the perfume of lilies, the cheers, clapping, caps flying in the air, smiles on faces, hugs and kisses.
A fabulous, beautiful, wonderful day of achievement and pride.
What are you thinking about today?

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