Autumn Skies

I took a picture of the sky every day in October this year. It is lovely to see all the colours together. I like to photograph the sky in Autumn because I frequently catch the dawn which is as beautiful as the sunset to me.
I used Collage it for Mac (which seems to be working again!) to put some of my skies together.

Skywatch Friday

July 1st already!
I woke to these beautiful skies which I am sharing with you and will link to Skywatch Friday.

I am so thankful today,
After three weeks of feeling dreadful with a tummy bug I finally feel so much better this morning.
Today at work is our 1st ‘Picnic in the Park’ which I thought I would miss either because I was still unwell or it would be raining!
And for these skies and the sunshine and hope they bring.
I hope all your skies are lovely for your weekend.


Skywatch Friday, Season 4, Episode 41.

These are my pictures for Skywatch this week, there are beautiful skies from all over the world here, take a look if you have a moment.

Both pictures are SOOC and taken at 8.30 in the evening in the UK. It is such a treat to be out in the warm evenings we have had this week. The forecast is good for our Easter Weekend. Hope you all have a lovely few days, possibly off work? wherever you are.