Me in March

March came and went, well, like a March hare really

March is such a strange month for me.

On the down side March is a month full of anniversaries that I find hard to ignore.
Mum, Dad, Grandmother, Grandfather, Nephew and Brother all passed away in March.

On the up side in March we had St. Patricks Day, Mothering Sunday, the first day of Spring, the clocks went forward and the kerb sides are awash with spring bulbs which brightens up the world around me. The mornings are lighter; the birds are nest building and singing later into the evening. We had some lovely weather and some great days out in March.
We only have one family birthday to celebrate this month: Happy Birthday Simon J.

I am always pleased to see the last day of the month if I’m honest. I will ring my brother or he will ring me today to say Hi, we made it! And this year we have a lovely family Easter to look forward to.
I have also been page folding during March but that’s for another post.

It’s April 9th today, that’s one quarter of the year gone already! Happy Days. Easter has come and gone and left us some fabulous weather. I hope it’s good for you too.


Around the world in 60 minutes

I saw this on the i player last night. It was fabulous.
‘David Morrissey narrates a unique journey around the weird and wonderful planet that we call home. What would you see during just one orbit of the Earth?’
It was a look at how our planet benefits from space travel.
The interview with Piers Sellars Mission Specialist was so interesting, his excitement at travelling in the shuttle was infectious, he gave little bits of info you never hear in other space programmes.
The pictures of our world from the space station, just wonderful.
The work the men & women on the space station and the fun they have.
The programme took us around the world stopping at various locations and telling us how the satellites in space have informed us about what is happening to our world, and with the knowledge gained how we can work towards saving our planet. The deforrestation of the rain forrest, beautiful Hawaii acting as a catch all for our abandoned plastics, the shrinking of Iceland, the northern and southern lights from space. the erosion lakes, the sky over China,

…to be able to look down and understand how things are interconnected
we’re starting to understand how we can influence the natural world and each other…

Cloudy moon taken October 2010

oooh, Im off to watch it all over again. Want to join me?

March 2011

At last February is over. On the one hand I don’t like to wish the days away but I really struggle with the beginning of the year. March to me says spring, even though it is raining yet again. The crocus and the daffodils are brightening up the verges as I drive around the area for work. I have seen so many tiny blue Iris this year and this morning I saw a cherry in full blossom. I was in a traffic queue so couldn’t take a photo for you.
Bright yellow forsythia and emerging buds on my philadelphus are real harbingers of spring for me. I am noticing so many catkins on my journeys, are there more of them this year or am I more observant?
It won’t be many weeks until the clocks alter and then I feel as though I have “made it through the winter”

Learning Photoshop

I have been having some fun with textures thanks to a Kim Klassen class