Weeds are flowers too…

Once you get to know them

I was walking with my brother towards Lavernock Point along the cliff top overlooking the Bristol Channel. I was admiring the view of course and enjoyed pinpointing where we were. We live on opposite sides of this stretch of water (almost) opposite each other. We can both see the same islands in the channel.
I was also busy taking pictures of the wild flowers along the way as I usually do when he asked me what I was looking at.
I showed him and he wondered why I was taking pictures of weeds.
“I’ll send the pictures to you when I get home” I told him. “Would you hold this one for me? It is too low down for my back today”
We continued our walk with him looking out for photogenic ‘weeds’ that were growing too near the ground for me. (Yes he is a wonderful brother).

In the pub garden afterwards:) he said how much more interesting the walk had been with a camera in hand, he had never noticed the flora growing along this walk before.

I was thinking about the quote that Helena uses on her blog from Improv Wisdom by Patricia Ryan Madson.

Celebrate the obvious – what is ordinary to you is often a revelation to others.

I sent him these pictures

I know the AA Milne quote I used for my title usually gets interpreted as a metaphor, but sometimes I like to use it literally.

Seen anything ordinary lately?

Scrapping the Everyday

Two birthday party layouts.
When I scrap with paper I frequently use fabric or a paper bag or a calendar picture or something that is not traditional scrapbooking paper as the background, so I wanted to try using one of my photos as a background to a digital layout.
The background on this is one of those paper lanterns that you put a tea light in.

And the background here is a photo of the fire pit.

They look kind of Autumn to me, just right for late October and lovely memories of a fabulous weekend when it was slightly warmer!

Scrapping the Everyday

Inspired by Amy

This beautiful Lavender field is near Axbridge in Somerset. It is only open during July and August and in all the years I have lived around here this is the first time I have seen it. Apart from the fabulous colours, the perfume filling the warm summer air was just wonderful! There is a little shop there where you can buy all things Lavender, plants, oil, sprays, soap, cut stems, hand lotion… and they have just opened a lovely little cafe outside in the field, the tables have lavender coloured check table cloths on, and there are pretty cushions on the chairs. Tea is served from proper tea pots and china cups and saucers. The whole thing says English Summer in the Country. Yes there were Lavender cakes and Lavender tea which was absolutely gorgeous.
And publishing this on a cold rainy November morning I am reminded of a beautiful warm perfumed filled day.


Aranaeus diadematus

I just love watching the garden spider build her web and then come back later to see it full of lunch for her!

I seemed to have developed a love part of
my hate relationship with spiders.
This particular garden spider has facinated me
with her web making skills and I have taken
endless photos of her just as long as she
stays still in her web! September 2011

Is there something you can tolerate from behind your lens that you would otherwise stay far away from?

Scrapping the Everyday

Inspired by Amy Scrapping the Every Day

Journalling reads

From 1 to 21 in the blink of an eye
Where has the time gone?
It seems like only yesterday you helped your daddy put the swing together.
It was the evening before your birthday. We had hoped to get the swing up ready for the following morning but you saw the box and that was the end of a quiet evening before the big day. You helped to open the box, unpack the bits hold the tools tighten a few screws and before I knew it you were high in the sky, I was terrified you would fall but you just laughed, more daddy! more daddy!
Now look at you, in your leathers, you have wanted a motorbike for as long as we can remember. You put yourself through the test and saved your wages to buy your blue Suzuki.
I am still terrified you will fall but it is your dream fulfilled and I am happy for you.