Advent 2009

December 1st


The first day of Advent brought the first frost. It was a lovely cold, crisp December morning, with a beautiful sunrise.

We received our first Christmas card; it was from the kennels! When we collected Pepsi on Sunday I noticed a huge pile of cards ready to go to the post!

Paul was away but I still lit the advent candle, I only burnt a little though but it made me laugh thinking of Advent’s past. Sometimes Ben & I would forget to light the candle and then another night we would be sitting for ages waiting for the candle to burn down ready for the next day!
I got my first ‘Merry Christmas’ in an e-mail and I have started a shopping list for Sainsbury’s to deliver.
I am counting down the days until Ben comes home, he will be in on the 20th…still so much to do…
I hope there will be a photo of our Advent candle here. I can’t find my camera so had to use my phone!


December 2nd

I had a busy working day again today. The building that I work from looks very festive; the Christmas tree in the entrance hall is beautifully decorated with red and gold decorations. Along the corridor to the day centre, garden arches clothed in greenery look lovely they are waiting for their lights to go on. They are very unusual and seem to bring the outside in.
At home I watched Delia on the I player, She was cooking Christmas lunch from her home; it was very inspiring! I added to my list.
I also started my on-line shopping list from Sainsbury’s
I found my camera so I hope to have a photo of our new Christmas decoration here.


December 3rd

The cherry blossom in the garden is looking lovely this morning, I don’t remember seeing it out in December before. The cotoneaster looks very festive though and has brought the Robin to the garden and my radio station is playing Christmas carols, which I love to hear.
I forgot to light the advent candle yesterday so when Paul came home tonight we had two days to watch!
We are thinking we will get a new TV for Christmas!


December 4th

I had a day off work today, which was wonderful. Sara came in to do my nails. I have had transfers on 4 nails, how brave is that?
Paul & I went into town. We decided it was time for new Christmas lights. I am thrilled. We chose a set of white for the tree, red cherries for over the window. A small set of white for the twiggy tree and a hanging decoration for the window.
This evening the girls from work & I went to the playhouse in town to see The Virgina Monologues. We had a great night out with drinks in the pub after. We all went home feeling very festive, hic!


December 5th

Our local Lions group held their Christmas Fayre today. Alzheimer’s had a stall selling Christmas cards. Mike & I did the first half and Jean and her S-I-L did the second half. It was terribly quiet so I don’t think we made anything! We wore great hats, ate mince pies and chocolates and had a laugh Another festive day. I won a beautiful soft and fury cuddly dog that Pepsi just loves!
I talked to Ben today. He is working very hard at his UNI work but he has got himself very organized for Christmas. He has bought cards and written them already! Who did he learn that from? I must get mine out. We got the Christmas decorations down from the loft, they are on Ben’s bed ready for the big sort out!!!


December 6th

Sainsbury’s order is almost ready to ‘send’
I was looking for something on my computer this morning and found my 2001 Christmas wish list! I thought I would attach it here.
Paul put the new Christmas card holder up in the kitchen. I made up some tiny thank you cards & chocs for my volunteers today. They look very pretty.
A quiet day relaxing after a busy week.


December 7th

Where did last week go? I did two song clubs today but no carols until next week! I was home late tonight so no Christmas stuff today.


December 8th


I saw the sun rise again this morning, such a beautiful start to what ended as a cold and wet day. A parcel arrived today. It was a gift we bought for Alan. I am thrilled with it. I forgot to light the candle again!


We practiced our pantomime this evening. It is coming along. We are performing next week!


December 9th


A most un-festive day really although two dvd’s arrived in the post. (Gifts for Paul) The weather was dry for a change and I remembered to light the advent candle! We are on day 5 now. Ben had an important exam today. He rang at 7.20am, unheard of for him! We watched the clock go by from 9 until 1pm for him. We are all so pleased its over xx


December 10th

I missed this day completely!


December 11th

A very Christmasy day.
Karen & I went to Bath on the train, the city looks so beautiful. The new shopping area although not finished is gorgeous. Built of Bath stone and tall like the rest of the buildings it looks very imposing.
The weather was really cold but dry. It is wonderful to walk around outside rather than being undercover.
We had lunch in a great little restaurant and visited Karen’s son Mark who lives in the city. After the visit it was getting dark and all the fabulous lights were on, street musicians were playing Christmas carols, we were loaded down with shopping bags!
A wonderful festive day!


December 12th

We got the Christmas things down from the loft today and we lit the advent candle, we are still a week behind! I try to light it in the evening (or not) when we have our meal. I have decided to light it when I am in the kitchen in future ‘cause my system is not working!


December 13th

Today was a ‘Big Tidy Up’ kind of day. The house seemed to be in a mess somehow, so it got a good sort out.
I ordered the Christmas delivery from Sainsbury’s tonight.


It is coming next Sunday afternoon. There were no delivery slots left for Christmas week!


December 14th

Ben phoned to say that he is coming in on Wednesday this week before flying up to Glasgow to see Lotta for a few days.
We had lots of cards through the post today; some are so beautiful, they are already destined to be up-cycled into next years advent book.


We have a new card-hanging tree this year; I hope to have a photo of it here.


December 15th

I worked in the memory clinic today. It was very festive but completely chaotic.
There was a parcel for us when I got in, from Claire & Chris. I had to open it because on the label it said “open immediately and refrigerate” So I did, it was Cheese and other goodies. I put the cheese in the fridge and sealed up the rest of the box.
I planned to write the Christmas cards tonight but was so tired when I got home; I fell asleep for 2 hours!! Now it’s midnight and I’m thinking I must get to bed!
Ps I lit the candle tonight: I am down to the 12th.


December 16th

The best thing today was Ben called in on his way up to Glasgow to visit his girlfriend. We had lunch together before I had to leave for work.
It was our Christmas Tea Dance today and the first performance of our Christmas Pantomime! It was lots of fun, oh no it wasn’t! Oh yes it was! Yes there was plenty of that. We laughed such a lot and our people seemed to enjoy their afternoon.
I forgot to light the candle again!


December 17th

I had lunch with a girlfriend today. We had a great gossip and laughed a lot! The lunch was good too; we went to Bottelino’s in town.
Paul picked me up after and we went to investigate the purchase of a new TV.
By the end of the afternoon we had made a decision. It cost much more than I thought and probably more than Paul intended to spend and bigger than we both originally agreed but it is fab! It will be delivered on Saturday morning just before Ben returns from Glasgow.
We had fish & chips at Papa’s in town tonight.


December 18th

I had a day off work today and had my hair done this morning.
This afternoon I was at the day centre helping Martin, one of my clients put on his performance as a clown. After a lot of stress and worry it turned out great.
Everyone enjoyed the performance especially Martin who is International Clown Jackie.
Actually, a clown with dementia doing his routine to people with dementia was nothing short of a minor miracle! Congratulations to Mike and Diane who helped Paul and I put the show on.


December 19th

A very exciting day!
The new television was delivered today, it looks absolutely huge but we love it.
The best thing though was picking Ben from the airport in Bristol. It was so lovely to watch all the people so happy to greet their loved ones. It feels like Christmas has started now.
On the way home we bought the Christmas tree; we laughed all the way home as we had the tree poking out of the two back windows of the car with Ben sitting underneath it! He still managed to text his girlfriend though.
We lit the candle tonight and have almost caught up!!


December 20th

Paul & I cleaned out the fridge, under stair cupboard and shed to accommodate the delivery of Christmas goodies!
The Sainsbury’s order came today; it caused great hilarity when we saw that I had ordered a very small bottle of hair conditioner but 4 x 1 KILO tubs of butter.
I put some of the decorations aroundtonight; the house is looking very festive.
It is absolutely freezing today and this evening we had a hail storm followed by snow which is beginning to settle.


December 21st

A lovely day off work at last.
The world outside is white and glistening in the sun.
I am staying in the house today. I am so tired of visiting and being here and being there I just want to stop.


December 22nd

I marzipaned the cake today. No one likes icing so it is naked these days, I think it looks lovely with its little berry wreath, some icing sugar and gold sprinkles on!
Paul & I had a trip to Puxton Park this afternoon. They have the most beautiful deli and butchers over at their farm shop. We had great fun buying some foodie gifts for Alan & Ben.
Sara came to do my nails this afternoon. I have some Christmas transfers on them! Very brave for me.


December 23rd

I had a work meeting to go to this morning. While I was out Paul & Ben brought the tree in and decorated it so beautifully! They also tided up the cables that were looking like an eagles nest behind the TV.
We had to have a furniture move to accommodate the new TV! We are pleased with the new arrangement and the TV looks as though it was meant to be here.
Lets hope father Christmas brings some new films to watch!
We should have all been going to our tea dance at Tickenham this afternoon but due to the severe weather we decided to postpone it to Jan 20th.
I was really pleased as going out & dressing up was the last thing I felt like doing today. I felt unwell when I got home and slept for a couple of hours.


Christmas Eve

Paul & I stayed in bed for ages this morning. We had endless cups of tea & chat!
This year I had an easy day in the kitchen.. I made the bread sauce, cranberry sauce and the gravy.
I needed to try the port before it went into the gravy.
I prepared and cooked the red cabbage and the carrot & swede mash. I made the trifle and the pomegranate and gin jellies.
I began to show Ben how to make the sherry trifle, as if a student suddenly needed to make a sherry trifle! Ben worked with me for ages, peeling the veggies, laughing and drinking. It is so good to have him home.
The last two presents will be wrapped before I finally turn in..
The candle is on 20th and we have run out of time, we will have to finish burning it tomorrow!


Christmas Day


We had a lovely slow start to the day. Alan was running late and we decided not to have our ‘Christmas breakfast’. Ben & I finished the veg prep and we just toasted the beautiful bagels that Paul made yesterday.
We had a really wonderful and fun day.
There were some beautiful presents, champagne poinsettias and a traditional Christmas lunch of roast turkey and all the trimmings.
The meal was fab, we were too full for Christmas pudding! The wine and cocktails flowed all evening with the music on the television. Father Christmas brought lots and lots of blue ray films!
We had a late supper, including the beautiful boozy trifle.
Paul & I turned in at midnight leaving Alan and Ben with Jack Daniels to chat till the early hours.


I have really really enjoyed doing this advent book.
As it was the first time I had done one I didn’t realise that I needed to put the pages together before the 1st December, as the month is so busy.
I kept up with the diary, not sure what photo’s there will be but I am sure it will be lovely when it is finished.
The pomegranate and gin jellies were dreadful, we all love each separate component but together….a big mistake…. More laughing …
I am hoping to enclose a Christmas lunch menu, a list of presents exchanged and things that we had to make the day special.

Photos from the day

Back cover

1 thought on “Advent 2009

  1. Wonderful to see and read this, Miriam! How clever to use the Christmas cards, and I love the entry for the 10th :). I hope Ben did really well in his exam, by the way. You write really well, and I love the way you have popped in things like being so very tired of visiting and just wanting to stop – makes it very genuine. Looking forward to seeing what you do this year … Thank-you for making all this available to read. 🙂

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