Days of Summer

I am linking to Alicia for her new summer meme. Week one is Flowers. The project will run through until the end of August. Have a look here for details and posting dates.
These flowers are looking pretty in my garden just now.

They all have Kim Klassen’s Magic edges texture on and are lightly brushed with a large soft round brush and levels adjusted ever so slightly.

Take a look over here if you have a moment & see some fabulous flower photography.

Project 64

What a fabulous sunny colour this is, and today, at last we have sunshine and not a drop of rain. Have a look over here to see some beautiful sunny finds.

I was in the florist buying some cornflowers when I noticed the card with the colour scribble on in my purse
“Do you have anything this colour?” I asked the florist. She looked at me but didn’t say “of course we have we are a florist!” Off she went and brought me a yellow rose, an orange rose and said “If you mix these colours together you get this!” Ta da! Another purchase made.

This was on my desk when I saw this weeks colour reveal. No my desk isn’t in a field, I thought that although a good colour match a bottle of juice wasn’t very exciting so I found a lovely texture called ‘grasses’ and had a play.

I bought these poppies a couple of weeks ago because they were such sunny bright colours, they have had so many flowers on already.

The crisps were only purchased for photographic purposes mind!

Something lovely for a rainy Saturday

It is a dark morning here with that fine rain that soaks you! We really need the rain so I am pleased to see it through my window today. It will water my baskets bring the garden back to life and everything will be very photogenic later this afternoon.
I took these photo’s yesterday in the sunshine.
Every year these lovely tall Scabios return. In May and June they cover a stone wall that is about 8 feet tall and 15 feet long. They have a lot of foliage! On top of all this stem and leaf sits the little flower. In the group, the flowers are at every stage which is great to photograph. They look lovely swaying gently in the breeze. They get a lot of attention from people that pass by because, they say, they are an unusual colour. I have only ever had this cream colour. Whether they are unusual or not I love them!

In my garden 2010

In my garden, the last page in my year long project. I have really loved doing this project, both in terms of the diary writing and getting out and taking the pictures. Like all these books we do, it is so good to look back on.
The complete project is here


December 2010

In my garden December 2010

We have had the coldest December for many years. Beautiful sunrise followed by frost, snow, icy winds, or morning fog before wonderful sunsets has been the pattern for this month. Most of the plants in the garden are blackened with frost. All but the basket by the back door and the bay tree have suffered in this weather. The week before Christmas brought heavy snow which is taking days and days to go. The paths are treacherous but the roads are now clear. The lawn looks like the Somme where the snow and Pepsi have been! Monday 27 December