Project 64

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Project 64 is looking for a beautiful sunny yellow this week. Crayola call it Goldenrod. I used to have a plant called Goldenrod flowering in my garden but it has disappeared this year!

Here are my finds for this lovely colour.

I saw this pretty rose on a walk this week. A yellow rose is a symbol of friendship and joy according to folklore, so this is for you.

This pretty Foxtail lily came in a bouquet my sister-in-law brought for me at the weekend. I thought it was so beautiful and just right for Goldenrod.

But this is my favourite find. It lives on the window-sil on the stairs, I walk past it a hundred times a day and today I looked a little closer. I love this project! I see things with new eyes every week.

There will be lots more goldenrod to see over here this week.

Crazy Days of Summer are also looking for yellow this week so for the first time I am linking these pictures over there as well!

Days of Summer, looking for Water.

Crazy Days of Summer this week are looking for water. I drove along the sea front after work this evening and took this picture of our beach looking so calm today.

The sun was shining on the water making it almost blue. Our town is on the Severn Estuary so frequently the sea looks kind of brownish! Today the sunshine, blue sky and fluffy white clouds gave me a real lift at the end of a busy day.

Hop over here to see if we all managed to find water!

Days of Summer

It has been such a wonderful day here today. I was fortunate to see a beautiful dawn and sunrise followed by sunshine and blue skies. We had a special day out for my husbands birthday (but that’s for another post) and since his all time drink of choice, always, is tea, this is for him and the challenge over at Alicia’s blog

Be totally refreshed and take a look over here

Days of Summer

I am linking to Alicia for her new summer meme. Week one is Flowers. The project will run through until the end of August. Have a look here for details and posting dates.
These flowers are looking pretty in my garden just now.

They all have Kim Klassen’s Magic edges texture on and are lightly brushed with a large soft round brush and levels adjusted ever so slightly.

Take a look over here if you have a moment & see some fabulous flower photography.