Happy New Year

We have the most beautiful sunshine this morning,

after the heaviest hail storm I can remember.

Before the hail was a fabulous sky,

What a strange start to the second day of the New Year.

Today is the last day of the Christmas break for me, I have no idea how I am going to get up for work tomorrow.
I have really enjoyed Christmas, visits from family and friends, time away from work and time and inspiration to Journal my Christmas. Thank you Shimelle for another great class. A special joy this year was receiving beautiful greetings, electronic and through the mail from you. Thank you x
I just happened to mention to my husband that I had noticed I have posted 297 times and he said “what? is this the woman who said she had nothing to say, she would never get involved, no-one would read it anyway!
Thank you all & now especially thank you ‘Uncle Dave’ you have inspired me further.

I have made another collage, I love collages, and lists of course. Actually I think a collage is kind of pictorial list…
This is 52 photos that I have played with in photoshop, my new love, after the dog, the boy, and the husband. Depending on how well you know me will tell you if that sentence was in a particular order!!

Happy New Year

End of January

I am late posting this, I had some problems uploading the pictures.
30th January 2011
A soft pink early morning sky brought with it the most beautiful sunshine today, warmer temperatures and just a few wispy clouds in an otherwise clear blue sky; of course it finished with a glorious sunset…perfect.

I am so glad it’s the end of January.

I watched a DVD someone gave me tonight. It’s called Lost for Words. It was an itv 3 film by Deric Longden staring Pete Postlethwaite and Dame Thora Hird. I loved it, it made me laugh and it made me cry.
“Do you want to be buried mum or shall we have you cremated?”
“Oh, I don’t know love, surprise me!”

January Blues

17th January 2011

January and February are very difficult months for me and I suppose my poor family who have to live with me. I feel as though there is a huge black cloud hanging over me, rather like the one that is outside my window right now, it is raining so hard here…
I found this poster here

I have a few quotes from Ghandi that I like. I printed this and it is now on my wall, where I can see it every day!
I found this blog which I will take a look at over the next few days.
So, do any of you have the January Blues? & what do you do to get you through?