Like Knitting in the Sky

There was an air display in our coastal town this week.
The weather was spectacular for it. Dry, at last! Hot as a hot place and wonderful clear blue skies, hooray!
Most of the population of the UK was either in our town or trying to get into our town.
(Visitor numbers courtesy of my husband)

Sitting on the sea wall next to us was a lovely couple with a young family. The boy was about six years old and the girl, about five. She was dressed in pink, from top to toe, as pretty a picture.
Oh, OK, in case the equality police are reading, the boy was in khaki shorts and a tea shirt with writing on, looking… just like a boy. (Happy?)

The Red Arrows were the highlight of the afternoon and gave us a stunning display with their usual effortless precision.
When they whizz off into the middle distance between manoeuvres, where do they go?
Well they completely wowed us all, except the young boy.
He was completely disappointed that they didn’t fire any guns or drop any bombs in our sea!
The little girl on the other hand was enthralled with their smoke trails. She thought they looked just like knitting in the sky.

Brought to you by Sian, she that is High in the Sky and her wonderful Story Telling Sunday.

12 thoughts on “Like Knitting in the Sky

  1. What a striking image that is! She sounds like a very creative girl, with a powerfully poetic mind! i love this little memory, I think it’ll stay with me today as I look out at the first blue sky we have seen here in at least a week! Thank you Miriam

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