Week 21

I’m not even going to think about the fact that 20 weeks of this year have passed, I’m just enjoying the fabulous weather we are having and that I can sit in the garden watching my blackbirds.
There must be chicks, although I can’t hear them, both birds are busy all day long feeding.

I thought you would like to see Mrs. Blackbird.
Now, she comes into the garden straight onto the old wheelbarrow on the messy side of the garden, where she can clearly see her font leaf door, pauses just a little and then flies straight in…no messing about with her, get those mouths fed!

Zoom Out Mrs Blackbird

Zoom in Mrs Blackbird

This is Helena’s wonderful weekly meme.


Thank you Helena.

11 thoughts on “ZIZO

  1. another beautiful sharp capture of your blackbirds – I do enjoy watching a particular bird family through these busy months for them

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