Simple Things

A simple and beautiful thing for a cold snowy Monday here in my corner of the world.

On a dreary cold morning at the farm shop I noticed the new buds on the young beech trees. How beautiful that the leaves stay until the new buds are open. No one knows why this happens, perhaps to protect the new buds from browsing deer, maybe to provide some frost protection to the new buds. Botanists call this retention of dead plant matter marcescence.
Whatever the reason I am glad that they do so that I can see it and share it with you.

The little things

Stay warm, Or cool, which ever will make you happiest.

5 thoughts on “Simple Things

  1. Despite a return to cold temperatures after a very brief respite, I saw the daffodils poking through the dirt in our front yard today. Hope!!! Lovely photo, as always.

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