Simple Things


What could be simpler than a hen?

I have always wanted hens
I point them out in the field whenever I notice them
“Oh! Look! hens!” I say as if it’s the first time I’ve seen them
I look at them in pet centres
I envy folks that have a few in their gardens
My brother has hens living next door to him
I go to visit ‘the girls’ as soon as we arrive there!
I collect the food from the meal for them…and not just the leftovers
Is it wrong to feed chicken to them?
Or chips?
My brother’s hen neighbours love his sausage cassoulet
Hens fascinate me and I’m just not sure why
The look of them?
The colours?
The way they walk?
the way they run?
The way they live?
The fact that they lay eggs?
The noise they make?
I would call them ‘my girls’
I would treat them so well
But I can’t have them, they would drive Pepsi nuts and who would care for them when I wasn’t here?
I’ll just continue with my fascination
And photograph them

Do you remember the garden centre that sells sheds and sewing machines that I told you about here?

They have hens too, and a turkey and a few ducks and a very grumpy goose.


hens turkey


4 thoughts on “Simple Things

  1. The birds are beautiful, but I think I would prefer admiring them from a distance. When I was little, my aunt let me feed the chickens. They started pecking me. Turns out I was too slow with their food! Since then, I keep a healthy distance.

  2. That first photo is stunning. I’ve always wanted chickens. I’d love fresh eggs! It’s fairly common to keep them around here, but Paul is very opposed. Maybe someday . . .

  3. I’m an admiring from a distance kind of girl too! Though I was starting to come round to them when my FIL kept a few hens for a bit. They certainly take a pretty picture

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