A peek into my life

12th April 2013

Outside my window… it is dry but overcast. We have awful weather forecast for the weekend but for now it is still
I am thinking… about my follow up visit to the hospital yesterday. I have to have more tests
I am thankful… that it is not what I was dreading
In the kitchen… I made a fabulous beef and chorizo casserole
I am wondering… where I put the recipe so that I can make it again
I am wearing… Oops! Still in my nightie (well I had a busy day yesterday and feel tired today
I am creatingsome little knitted hats to raise funds for Age UK.
I am going… out with my friend tomorrow to the local museum to make a patchwork square for a charity thing. (friend has all the details)
I am reading… Mollie Makes, it fell through the letterbox this morning. Somerset Arts Week book, which I picked up yesterday and a ‘days out book’ I want to go on a date with my camera
I am hoping… that the weather will be a bit warmer soon.
I am learning… about gelli plate printing
Around the house… clearing out, painting walls, building wardrobes. Upstairs it’s all change
A favourite quote for today… Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.
A few plans… a few days out booked, a craft evening next week. Lunch and an afternoon in the park with a friend and our camera’s

life is calm and peaceful, life is good

And some pictures of spring flowers to encourage spring to turn up…soon? pretty please?

Floral Love


Daff close


and the first hat
Hat 1

12 thoughts on “A peek into my life

  1. so glad to hear it was not what you are dreading. sounds like some lovely projects in the next few days – the charity patchwork square sounds fun – hope you will share a photo

  2. Wonderful photographs, Miriam, and thank you for this little peek!
    I too am hoping for warmer weather, but it looks like it will be a while yet.

    Wishing you a fantastic weekend!

  3. Miriam, your blog is looking absolutely beautiful! I love the quote you have included in your lovely new header.
    The hat is delightful and your first shot is so soothing, I really like that one!

  4. A charming post Miriam 🙂 I enjoyed this month’s issue of Mollie Makes – I find the photography possibly even more inspiring than the “makes” and I’m guessing that you enjoy it too

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