A Simple Moment

It is 7.15am on Monday 15th April 2013.

Paul is up, I can hear him in the kitchen; he’ll be making a cup of tea for us.
Ben has just gone for his shower; I can hear the water running. He doesn’t take long.
I remembered it is time to join Alexa with her lovely meme Simply a Moment.
I lie here in my warm and cosy bed and think while Ben showers.

I can see out of the window that the day is starting with an overcast sky but at least it is not raining. I’ll be able to get a couple of things done in the garden this morning.
Paul & I worked so hard over the weekend building the new wardrobes. We got them finished and put everything back in side them. There will be rearranging to do but that can wait for a day or two. We were both aching and tired when we fell into bed last night.
We will make the sliding doors later in the week or at the weekend or wait for Ben to have a day at home.
The room has been painted and has new carpet. It is looking very tidy and has that lovely ‘new’ smell. Paul has his work desk in the room so it will make a better place for him to work particularly as he will be working at home from May to September on the new contract.
Pepsi is here on the bed with me, she is the most relaxed, comfy, cosy dog in the world. She snuggles into her blanket. She likes to have her head somewhere on my body. I don’t mind a bit, she is so still, she keeps me still and warm. I wont be getting up for a while yet. I ache so much and my eyes hurt.
Yesterday when Paul & I were putting the fixings in the wardrobe, (I pass the bits he needs, he does the techy bit with the screw driver), we looked at each other and one of us said, “we have been doing this all our lives haven’t we?”
The shower has stopped, Ben will be out in a moment, times up.
I turn over and pull the lovely white covers over me. Pepsi rearranges herself, her head is on my hip now and I close my eyes, hoping that I remember my Simple Moment. I’ll go over it in my head as I drift off to sleep again: tired, aching, happy, tidy, together, working, laughing, making our house a home.

hydranger flower skeleton

Later: One of the things I wanted to do in the garden was prune the hydrangea, I noticed this lovely skeleton before I became enthusiastic with the secateurs.

There are some lovely Simple Moments over on Alexa’s blog today, if you have a moment, make tea, eat cake, and read some. Thanks Alexa.

15 thoughts on “A Simple Moment

  1. So delicately drawn, and in perfect tune with that very stunning photo – I did actually gasp when I got to it. Your description of the warm snuggly feeling is so vivid, it’s all I can do not to get into bed right now! Hoping the aches and tiredness ease and that you continue to enjoy building together… Thank-you so much for continuing to join in and share a little peek into your life.

  2. What a wonderful, thoughtful description this is, and I’m glad you had the opportunity to rest a little longer after a long weekend of work. And…it doesn’t seem your “simply a moment” post suffered at all for the delay between though and post.

  3. What a great description, I can imagine that feeling so well. From the aching limbs to the dog getting comfortable on the bed!
    And what an exquisite photo of the skeleton of the flower – beautiful.

  4. super calm moment, I adore listen my husband taking his shower from my bed…
    and the picture is incredible!

  5. What a lovely warm cozy relaxed moment to record. I love the lacy skeletons left after the winter.

    Hope the wardrobes are finished and your aches and pains have eased by now.

  6. I am so late to the party this month – so sorry! I have really enjoyed reading your moment – such a lovely cozy feeling you created there – and OH WOW _ I love that photo! Thanks for sharing – J xx

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