Memorandum Monday

Hello to Sian and all Monday Bloggers.

Over the weekend I learnt how to make Dorset Posies. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do for ages and was prompted by the pictures and instructions in a magazine I was about to give away!
Do you remember when you got chips wrapped in newspaper? You found yourself reading every word on the page? That was me on Friday, thumbing through this magazine that was two years old being captivated by these pretty little sewing projects.
They were such fun to do and after the first one they became quick and easy to put together whilst catching up on the iPlayer or watching a film. I have an idea or three buzzing around my head now…

Dorset Posies are a variation of Dorset Buttons which were stitched by hand in the county of Dorset UK from the early 1600’s to 1851. They were shipped all over the world and were even worn by royalty. This cottage industry employed over 4000 people at its height, making over 100 different Dorset button types, all in white linen. Their popularity died overnight after the Great Exhibition of 1851, when a new button machine was showcased.


Memorandum Monday is Sian’s idea. you can find her here

11 thoughts on “Memorandum Monday

  1. How lovely to see these! My Mum made some and I still have them, along with a little book about them.hers were white or cream – these coloured ones are just so pretty.

  2. Wow! They are so pretty! And a new thing to me. I’m learning a lot on a Monday now..

    Hope you have a good week Miriam. I’ll get the forget me knots in the post.

  3. I have come back for a second look at these. I looked at them on my phone yesterday and wanted a better look. They are lovely you clever thing!

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