Snap! and 5 in 5

Snap! Week 10 plus one so that I can link to
Five photos in Five minutes with Sandie for March

Welcome to lunch on and around my bird tale
Yes more birds! I just love them so make no apology 🙂

Mrs blackbird
Mrs blackbird

Long-tailed tit

Great tit
Great tit



Thank you Helena and Sandie

12 thoughts on “Snap! and 5 in 5

  1. I love watching the birds too. Lovely pictures. I like the cheeky magpie. Don’t think I haven’t noticed Miriam your crafty way of getting an extra picture in your Snap!

  2. You are right not to apologise, these photos are wonderful and I always delight in seeing birds that come into your garden Miriam. Thank you for taking part in 5in5 this month.

  3. I just love seeing your bird photos – aren’t long-tailed tits just the sweetest things? Though my heart is with the blackbird sheltering under your thoughtful roof.

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