An Apology!

I forgot to tell you that Lady Ella from also sent me some Forget-me-nots! I can be such a dolly and I do apologise to you Lady Ella.




In reply to Eileen
The display has been requested to visit some local events so it will be busy over the summer. Also there were a number of flowers that people had made into broaches. The pottery flowers and some Twiddle Muffs (type it into Google) that people had made were all available just for a donation to the society. There is talk of the rest of the flowers being turned into broaches for sale/for donation.

Forget-me-not Monday

I am taking advantage of Sian at High in the sky’s lovely idea to tell you about something new I’ve learned or something new I’ve done over the weekend. And of course taking the opportunity to wave to her and her Monday wavers.

Its Memorandum Monday and I am able to contribute!

So, ages ago I told you about raising awareness of dementia by contributing to the Alzheimers Society’s idea to get (by fair means!) 3,000 forget-me-nots knitted or crochet or sewn and displayed on the pier during Dementia Awareness Week.

3,000+ is the number of people with dementia in North Somerset.

I would like to say Thank You to Helena and Sian who kindly crochet some beautiful flowers to add to the flower pool. Also, I had two Intstagram friends do the same. I was so touched by your generosity. The craft club I go to made loads and I made some too of course.

It wasn’t the easiest place to photograph! We had a great time though. I spent what seemed like hours looking for our flowers to no avail! The sun shone, the rain kept away, the people came and 3 Singing for the Brain groups were there to lead us in a sing song. I met up with some friends, colleagues and some of my ‘old’ clients.

There were forget me nots everywhere! on aprons, on jackets on pins becoming badges, in tubs, in a childs paddling pool! it was full to the brim (no water!) A children’s playgroup had drawn pictures of forget-me-nots and someone had made some pottery flowers, 2 of which now live on my desk.










Oh! and how many flowers do you think they collected. (They were counted as they came into the office)


Thank you again, hope you all have a good week.