An Apology!

I forgot to tell you that Lady Ella from also sent me some Forget-me-nots! I can be such a dolly and I do apologise to you Lady Ella.




In reply to Eileen
The display has been requested to visit some local events so it will be busy over the summer. Also there were a number of flowers that people had made into broaches. The pottery flowers and some Twiddle Muffs (type it into Google) that people had made were all available just for a donation to the society. There is talk of the rest of the flowers being turned into broaches for sale/for donation.

3 thoughts on “An Apology!

  1. I cannot get over how many people contributed crocheted or knitted forget me knots to such a wonderful cause …. including the lovely ones made by Lady Ella.

  2. No harm done! I was slightly worried they didn’t arrive but then I found your thank you note. Anyway, glad to see more pics and I think it’s a great idea to get as much mileage from the displays as possible and then turn them into saleable items. I know the woollen British Legion poppies sell well each November.

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