Memorandum Monday

and Forget-me-nots

I have been learning to crochet something that resembles what it’s supposed to be. Although I knew how to make the stitches I could never turn a corner without the whole thing curling up on me.

I am making Forget-me-nots for a project our local Alzheimers Society is doing. Would you like to make a couple of these for me/them?
I will attach the poster and instructions at the end of the post but any pattern you have on paper or in your head will be perfect. This week I am going to try making the forget-me-nots from fabric.

My weekends productivity


I made all sorts of centres and they are far from perfect but then the forget-me-nots in my garden are all a bit different 🙂

Poster screenshot

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 11.01.04

Screen Shot 2016-02-22 at 11.01.23

Thank you Sian at High in the Sky for Memorandum Monday. Waving wildly from Weston on an overcast Monday but its NOT raining! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!

12 thoughts on “Memorandum Monday

  1. What a great project to be involved with. Thanks for including the instructions. Not that I crochet, I do have a friend that is learning to & she was wanting a project.

  2. WHat a fun and interesting project! I’d consider making some it I didn’t have to ship them across an ocean… or if you needed them in July when I’ll be crossing said ocean!

  3. Hi Miriam, are you collecting the forget-me-nots made by your disciples? I can gladly send them to you, or contact the person named on the info sheet if you prefer.

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