Memorandum Monday

Sian has a great new link up for Monday. It expands on her waving on Monday theme. This time she wonders if we have done something for the first time or learned something new over the weekend and here is the place to share.

Vegetarians look away.

I made oxtail soup from scratch for the first time! I was walking past a butcher and saw the ox tails in the window. They were all neatly tied up and looked very appetising. Now I have never had this soup before but Paul loves it and has it from a can. I don’t even like the smell of it. So in a way I bought them to make something nice for him.
The finished result was absolutely beautiful!
OK it took most of Saturday afternoon and evening and then overnight in the fridge but goodness me, it really was delicious! So delicious that I completely forgot to a take a photo of it! It was a brown colour and looked like soup and had bits of beef in.

It was a BBC Good Food Recipe: Oxtail Soup

The soup was this sort of brown

Rather than this sort of brown.
And just a wet!

Arn’t they lovely?
I saw them on the way back from crafting with friends just this afternoon. I braved Storm Imogen to get out of the car and take some pictures.

Waving to you today, hoping you are safe and warm and dry.

11 thoughts on “Memorandum Monday

  1. My mum used to make oxtail soup from scratch – much better than the stuff you get in cans as far as I can remember. Sadly, I can’t have it anymore – allergic to the meat.

    Would you make it again, or was this a one off?

  2. They are funny aren’t they? Ox tail soup. Please don’t tell Brian otherwise he will have me making it and I don’t think I could do that. I know farmer’s wife and all that…

  3. I’m happy to see those joyful animals, very much alive. I was slightly concerned I would scroll down to a photo of oxtails hanging in the butcher’s shop window! I bet your soup was a so much nicer than anything from a tin.

  4. They’re great pictures!

    The soup sounds absolutely delicious and I bet tasted all the better because you had made it yourself.

    Have a great week Miriam

  5. I’ve never even seen ox-tail soup on a menu, let alone had any! I’m pretty open to new tastes, so I think I’d enjoy a bowl! The last time I saw meat hanging in a butcher shop window was in Istanbul. It doesn’t happen in Rochester.

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