Photo Art Friday

Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photos gave us a gorgeous new texture last week and asked us to use it to make some digital art for the gallery this week.

I am taking a photo a day again and this year I am following Katrina Kenedys prompts which you can see here
Repetition was the prompt on day 3. I saw these lovely spires from the eight floor of the car park I was in and thought they would be perfect for Repetition but as usual I only had my phone on me. The results are so good, the spires were quite a distance away.

This is the original pictures from my phone
Spires sooc

I put the texture over and at blend mode Lighten I saw this effect. I like the way it takes all the detail out just leaving the repeating shapes.

This is the version I would like to hang in the gallery this week though

Bristol spires

As always there will be some beautiful art hanging on the virtual walls of the gallery here

One Little Word for Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

It seems a long time since I joined in with Bonnies meme and it seemed a long break over the Christmas holiday and now it’s today!

Bonnies optional Challenge is to link up a piece of photo art that features a word you have chosen to guide or inspire you for the year 2013.

My word is Learn as in…

Learn and grow

Learn to accept who I am
Learn to grow into my new role
Learn to value retirement
Learn to accept a reduced income
Learn to accept that a financial contribution isn’t the only contribution I will make to our lives
Learn to look after myself
Learn to have patience with my self
Learn to love myself
Learn to grow in confidence
Learn a new skill


For the first week in 2013 there will be art and words to inspire us at Pixel Dust Photo Art.

Two posts in one day again? Bonnie has opened her gallery a few hours earlier which means I can link before midnight today 🙂

Thank You and Photo Art Friday

Just a note to say thank you for your good wishes yesterday. Of course I survived, as you knew I would. The beautiful consultant who did the procedure and his lovely staff were absolutely wonderful.
So many things became clear to me when I read the post procedure notes, not least of which are the many health issues I have, all connected with the Hiatus Hernia that was discovered yesterday.
It is now that I would normally apologise for being a wimp when I know others have worse and have more reason than I to be afraid, and for pouring out my fears especially in a blog post, but two things have happened, one yesterday and one this morning.
The consultant I saw yesterday talked to me about anaesthesia, what was available and what I could have, I asked for “everything and lots of it because I am afraid” He said, “yes I can see your fear in your eyes, of course you can have everything”. My goodness, the relief of someone who does hundreds of these procedures validating my fears was amazing.
And this morning I received my weekly post from Tiny Buddha
So no apologies, just grateful thanks to the staff at the BRI and to you for your love and support and a picture, of course.

Photo Art Friday

I am linking to Bonnies Photo Art Friday.
I had fun with this challenge: ‘A digitally-edited still life’ I did loads but this is my favourite because I like the colours and it was a happy accident. I put my hat on the worktop when I came in from work, looked at the pears to see if they were ripe, put them on the brim because I wasn’t really thinking and saw a lovely still life.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. The forecast is for a cold but dry day tomorrow, I hope it is where you are.

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

I think I’ll only just make it to Bonnie’s virtual gallery this week. The theme is Lines. I was sure I didn’t have anything to fit this theme and then I started to look and saw them everywhere!
Here are a few for you.

The Antelope at Longleat Safari Park, my favourite ‘lines’

Looking up into the canopy of a hot air balloon

Some autumn pictures in the park. I liked the lines in the steps which is why I took the photo but then, as often happens, when you put the picture on the screen you see so much more. I noticed the lines in the fence, the lines the moss is making and the lines on the pillars.

Lines of trees, lines of benches and lines of slats on the benches.

I like the lines the path’s are making

I just love the lines in the leaf, I added Bonnie’s new texture which has lines of text.

This was so much fun. Check over here to see some great interpretations of this weeks challenge.

Photo Art Friday

Hello Friday.

Everyday this week I have been posting a picture of the Autumn colours I see whilst driving around for work.

Today I am linking my picture to Bonnie’s meme at Pixel Dust Photo Art.
Her challenge this week is ‘to edit a photograph into a piece of art using the background/texture Cobblestone Road’ which she generously gave away for the challenge.

This is the beautiful Mountain Ash at the end of my road. I suspect when I see it today it will have lost all it’s leaves. Yesterdays beautiful start to the day turned into heavy rain, high winds, huge hailstones, thunder and lightning. Had I been a leaf I would have had to give in and fall to the ground.

I hope you are safe, warm, dry and have all services running. I am thinking of you all in Hurricane Sandy’s path. x

Pixel Dust Photo Art