Photo Art Friday

Hello Friday.

Everyday this week I have been posting a picture of the Autumn colours I see whilst driving around for work.

Today I am linking my picture to Bonnie’s meme at Pixel Dust Photo Art.
Her challenge this week is ‘to edit a photograph into a piece of art using the background/texture Cobblestone Road’ which she generously gave away for the challenge.

This is the beautiful Mountain Ash at the end of my road. I suspect when I see it today it will have lost all it’s leaves. Yesterdays beautiful start to the day turned into heavy rain, high winds, huge hailstones, thunder and lightning. Had I been a leaf I would have had to give in and fall to the ground.

I hope you are safe, warm, dry and have all services running. I am thinking of you all in Hurricane Sandy’s path. x

Pixel Dust Photo Art

Hello Thursday

I am so in awe at the wonderful autumn colours this year I have been taking pictures like a woman possessed. How about a collage to say hello to the 1st day of November 2012.

I used ShapeCollage this time as my usual ‘Collage it’ kept crashing on me!

It is a beautiful morning here, dry, blue skies, white fluffy clouds. I hope it is calm where you are.

Thank you for all the lovely comments on Lotta’s pumpkin, I have passed them on to her.

Hello Wednesday

Lotta has been visiting and she had a yen to carve a pumpkin. We went off in search of the perfect specimen.
Now everyone who knows me knows how fussy and indecisive I can be. Well let me tell you I am a dream to work with compared to our Lotta.
Lotta is in her last year of University and like most students she is nocturnal. She sleeps during the day and studies during the late afternoon and on into the very late evening.
I began to think I would be chief pumpkin carver again this year as it was nearing time for her to leave.
And then…
One dark and stormy night, in the smallest darkest hours… she began to carve the pumpkin. She sat all alone at the kitchen table, she chipped and sliced and scooped her way into the beautiful orange beast.
The following morning I was thrilled to see that she had carved a lovely tree into the pumpkin and it looked fabulous!
And then it happened again… in the following darkest, quietest, smallest hours she chipped and chopped and sliced and scooped further into the beautiful orange beast.
Now we had a house next to the tree!
My goodness I was beside myself with joy and wonder. A beautiful scene carved into our pumpkin. I was texting everyone in my phone book!
As if that wasn’t enough the following night she toiled again, carefully cutting, chipping, slicing more and more detail into the beautiful orange beast.

It was beautiful enough in the day but when we lit it during another dark and stormy evening…..Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! (there were four of us) Even the dog came to investigate and I am certain that in her head she thought wow!

And I thought pumpkins just got faces!

Have a very happy evening whatever you are doing.

Hello Tuesday

Hello Tuesday….

I bought some Chinese lanterns at the weekend, but I don’t have the light to make a really beautiful picture yet. I am hoping they last until Friday, my day off and the chance of daylight when I am home. Even so they are very pretty. I put some pictures together at different blend modes and added a new halloween brush and a French Kiss texture.

I liked this too

This has a Distressed Jewel texture and a halloween brush