Hello Thursday

I am so in awe at the wonderful autumn colours this year I have been taking pictures like a woman possessed. How about a collage to say hello to the 1st day of November 2012.

I used ShapeCollage this time as my usual ‘Collage it’ kept crashing on me!

It is a beautiful morning here, dry, blue skies, white fluffy clouds. I hope it is calm where you are.

Thank you for all the lovely comments on Lotta’s pumpkin, I have passed them on to her.

February Collage

I put some of my february photo’s into a collage again to link with Rebecca at A Month in Photo’s and then had a play with the filters in Photoshop to link up with Bonnie at Photo Art Friday.

I think this looks a bit like fabric patchwork.

February Skies
Birthday treat, a new handbag
Birthday card from the very talented Claire
Pub lunch
Card making to raise funds for work
Craft project, ATC mixed media art challenge
Purple Crocus so fabulous in the sunshine
Christmas Hyacinth bulb surprise find under the stairs. I had forgotten all about them!
Finished JYC…at last
A reminder of a lovely weekend.
Next doors cat, I was looking for ‘something soft’ to photograph for Kim at Beyond Layers and right on cue she, the cat, not Kim, turned up!

Photo Art Friday

I have used ‘Collage it’ again, It is just so easy to use.
We have had a beautiful day here today, Isn’t it wonderful, spring is on the way.

Twelve on the Twelfth on the Fourteenth

….and a Collage of some January skies

I wanted to post 12 pictures on the 12th of February and as luck would have it I was away from home and took 12 to put into a collage. Had I been at home I am sure I wouldn’t have twelve pictures to put together!
I also wanted to make a collage of some pictures for January to link over here but my collage maker has been playing up for a number of days, in fact it is still not letting me put a colour on the background of the collage this evening, but hey, I like grey, grey is nice.

This is my 12 for the 12th

We stayed at an arts & crafts centre on the Isle of Wight called Seahorses and they were represented in so many art forms all over the house and grounds.
Huge fossil on the Craft Barn
Beautiful Mask in the grounds
Fort Redoubt was open today. This was the view from the bridge across to the fort
I placed a mosaic piece on the wonderful mosaic that has been commissioned to raise funds for the Lifeboats
Lunch in the Buddle
Mosaics at Freshwater Bay
Goodbye family, ’til next time
Boats from the boat
We didn’t see any Otters even though we drove very slowly
Just snow on the hills in Wiltshire
Easy tea when we got home, my favourite, Stroganoff.

Just a lovely weekend.

and here are my January Skies

I am linking this to Rebecca at simple as that for her Month in Photo’s challenge

Wishing you all Happy Valentines Day if you celebrate and Happy Tuesday if you don’t. xx