Photo Art Friday

Bonnies theme this month is Collage.

I have always wanted to try to put two images of faces together as one and not really had much success so I tried again with an image of me and an image of my son wearing my hat (!)

MM or BS

I can see myself if I look for me wearing my hat, can you?

I started with me
MM or BS.M

Then added Ben

MM or BS.B

Then the texture

MM or BS.Texture

Then the blind

MM or BS.blind

The texture is called confetti but I don’t know where I got it…sorry

Left over Washi tape makes a nice collage too 🙂

Washi Collage topaz toned

Photo Art Friday

Pixel Dust Photo Art

Bonnies optional prompt for this month is ‘Quirky Selfie’

This is me overlaid with a picture of a cracked mirror(!) blended at screen and Bonnies texture Lost and Found in Black & White at multiply.

Quirky Selfie PAF

and then in Monochrome (Rad Lab).
Quirky selfie b&w

I forgot it was Photo Art Friday today until I visited Claudia, Her quirky selfie is fabulous!

Photo Art Friday

Pixel Dust Photo Art

I am also linking to Six Word Friday’s and The Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap and…
I am playing with my sewing machine mending and altering and making stuff.
Lots going on here today.

I once read that mending or altering clothing or household items was, to some people, like Michelangelo having to paint a hall, stairs and landing! Well, I like mending. I find it satisfying. What do you think about mending?

First of all then over to Pixel Dust Photo Art where Bonnie has opened her virtual gallery with the optional theme ‘Abstract Flowers’
I had a play.

Abstract Snowdrops

Painted landscape

gerbra abstract

The Great Big Stitched Postcard Swap for 2014 has Create as it’s theme.

I have finished my stitched postcard for my swap partner Marsha at Coolquilting and it will be in the post on Monday. Obviously I am not going to show you the postcard but when I turned it over to attach some heavy card to stabilise it I thought the back looked a bit like a snow scene from Winnipeg which is where Marsha lives. This amused me greatly this morning.

Six Word Fridays

My Memory Art six word fridays

Adrienne’s word for this week is Push

As I have been stitching away on Marsha’s postcard I just thought ‘Still pushing ahead with my postcard’ seemed appropriate

Six Word Fridays Push

Have nice weekends where ever you are.

Photo Art Friday

The Virtual Gallery at Pixel Dust Photo art is open today with the optional theme of GRAPHIC/GEOMETRIC/ANGULAR.

This is a few layers of a windmill sail overlaid at various blend modes and converted to black & white

Abstract sails

This is the left and right hand sides of the pier in town overlaid and converted to black and white. I like the reflections in this one.

2 piers

This is a couple of layers of daffodil stems in a clear glass vase, one of them turned 90deg.

Green stems 2

And Creative Photo Lab 5

My friend Prairie Jill and I are on week five of this fun challenge: create an image that is totally out of focus… Hocus Focus

It was far too wet and windy to go out again but I have lots of things to photograph! (things is the word I choose) 🙂

This is what I came up with.

Lab 5 blur 5

Lab 5 blur 6

Lab 5 blur 7

I get plenty of OOF shots but I had never thought of doing it intentionally. I also had fun with the degree of blur you can get.

When I look through my viewfinder I have to take my glasses off and set the view finder to suit my eyesight, which is fine, I manage. When I set the camera to manual (or to look through the screen) to do these shots I have to put my glasses on!! I can’t be sure that what I see is in focus. Hey Ho, it makes me smile.
From now on all blurry shots will be ‘art’

Thanks for doing this with my Jill. Anyone else want to join in?

Mistletoe and Photo Art Friday

I love Mistletoe. I love the shape of the leaves, the shiny white berries, it’s abundance way up in the trees around here all year long and yet only for a few weeks in December can you buy it.
Along with the holly and the Christmas tree, the evergreen mistletoe is symbolic of the eventual rebirth of vegetation that will occur in spring…or sooner if last year is anything to go by.
I was lucky enough to get hold of a beautiful branch of it this year which I kept on the table outside my door so that it would stay fresh for longer.

I made an abstract to hang on the wall at Bonnies gallery for the first Photo Art Friday of the New Year

Abstract mistletoe

and thought I’d share some of my mistletoe pictures with you.

mistletoe 1

Mistletoe 3

Mistletoe 2

mistletoe 6

Mistletoe 4

Mistletoe 5

I put a few small twigs of it in the wreath at my back door, this morning when I saw Lotta she was thrilled to tell me that for the first time in her life (24 years) she received a ‘kiss under the mistletoe’. How beautiful is that?

Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photos gave us a new texture she calls Old Tablecloth.

Thank you for the beautiful texture Bonnie. I went back and had another play. I couldn’t resist the idea of throwing an ‘Old Tablecloth’ over an OK photo and instantly turning it into something special.

I like the way this looks a bit like a tapestry.

Mistletoe and tablecloth