Photo Art Friday

The Virtual Gallery at Pixel Dust Photo art is open today with the optional theme of GRAPHIC/GEOMETRIC/ANGULAR.

This is a few layers of a windmill sail overlaid at various blend modes and converted to black & white

Abstract sails

This is the left and right hand sides of the pier in town overlaid and converted to black and white. I like the reflections in this one.

2 piers

This is a couple of layers of daffodil stems in a clear glass vase, one of them turned 90deg.

Green stems 2

And Creative Photo Lab 5

My friend Prairie Jill and I are on week five of this fun challenge: create an image that is totally out of focus… Hocus Focus

It was far too wet and windy to go out again but I have lots of things to photograph! (things is the word I choose) 🙂

This is what I came up with.

Lab 5 blur 5

Lab 5 blur 6

Lab 5 blur 7

I get plenty of OOF shots but I had never thought of doing it intentionally. I also had fun with the degree of blur you can get.

When I look through my viewfinder I have to take my glasses off and set the view finder to suit my eyesight, which is fine, I manage. When I set the camera to manual (or to look through the screen) to do these shots I have to put my glasses on!! I can’t be sure that what I see is in focus. Hey Ho, it makes me smile.
From now on all blurry shots will be ‘art’

Thanks for doing this with my Jill. Anyone else want to join in?

7 thoughts on “Photo Art Friday

  1. love the effect of overlaying the same image at a different angle – will have to play with that myself. and great blurred art, I like the last one best

  2. I love the contrast between the graphic, angular, b&w shots and the soft, colour shots. Hard to pick favourites here, but I think I like the first and third ones best.
    I love your idea of thinking of all blurry shots (intentional or otherwise) as art!
    Looking forward to checking in next week to see what you come up with for Lab 6. It’s cold today (as always!), but I think I’m going to head out to the park and see what I can find.

  3. oh wow!! what a fun post and a great challenge, too. i really love your choices for PAF and how interesting you have made them. it really is such a fun thing to play, isn’t it?! have a BEautimous and I hope drier and warmer weekend. lots of sunshine here in AZ but cool, well, for here.
    good to “see” you playing again.

  4. That 1st piece really caught my eye. It’s dramatic and interesting.
    The reflection in the 2nd piece is cool.
    Very pretty shot of the Tulip stems.
    I’ve never thought about purposely blurring shots and most of the time delete blurred shots. Now I may have to look at them differently.

  5. Your hocus focus shots made me smile too. What a great idea. Making your geometric photo images black and white was the perfect choice. Those are two amazing pieces! Love the daffodil stems, too.

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