Thank You and Photo Art Friday

Just a note to say thank you for your good wishes yesterday. Of course I survived, as you knew I would. The beautiful consultant who did the procedure and his lovely staff were absolutely wonderful.
So many things became clear to me when I read the post procedure notes, not least of which are the many health issues I have, all connected with the Hiatus Hernia that was discovered yesterday.
It is now that I would normally apologise for being a wimp when I know others have worse and have more reason than I to be afraid, and for pouring out my fears especially in a blog post, but two things have happened, one yesterday and one this morning.
The consultant I saw yesterday talked to me about anaesthesia, what was available and what I could have, I asked for “everything and lots of it because I am afraid” He said, “yes I can see your fear in your eyes, of course you can have everything”. My goodness, the relief of someone who does hundreds of these procedures validating my fears was amazing.
And this morning I received my weekly post from Tiny Buddha
So no apologies, just grateful thanks to the staff at the BRI and to you for your love and support and a picture, of course.

Photo Art Friday

I am linking to Bonnies Photo Art Friday.
I had fun with this challenge: ‘A digitally-edited still life’ I did loads but this is my favourite because I like the colours and it was a happy accident. I put my hat on the worktop when I came in from work, looked at the pears to see if they were ripe, put them on the brim because I wasn’t really thinking and saw a lovely still life.

I hope you have a lovely weekend. The forecast is for a cold but dry day tomorrow, I hope it is where you are.

19 thoughts on “Thank You and Photo Art Friday

  1. I’m so glad everything was OK! I remember having panic attacks as my daughter’s due date approached, having had a rotten birth experience with my son. Oh, the relief of having a consultant who understood!

    I love the hat and pears combo, what a happy accident 🙂

  2. Well – what a good lesson for us all – we torture ourselves with our fears and the reality is rarely as dire as our fears make it out to be.

    I think it was Tennyson who said of all the liars in the world our fears are the worst (something like that!). So glad for you that it is over and that the resulting information brings you some clarity. Take care of yourself!

    The colours in your still life are beautiful. Isn’t it great to be able to capture a happy accident with our camera and then enhance it to make a piece of photo art? Beautifully done, Miriam.

  3. How wonderful to find caring staff in situations like that! I’m sure it’s a relief to find the cause of the pain, and I hope the treatment is not too terrible. Another beautiful photo!

  4. BEautimous, Miriam. I love the colours as well!! Such a happy accident indeed!!

    I understand your fears and the downplaying. I think it is brave to tell the truth. To say it out loud when I am afraid is so empowering.

    Sending you love and healing and more happy accidents.

  5. I am so pleased that it all went well for you Miriam x

    I have a friend who is an anaesthetist and she always says that if she can take away the fear before the patient has anything put anywhere near them, then the anaesthesing is much easier

  6. What a stunning photo/piece of artwork, Miriam! I’m sure I’ve said it before, but you could be selling posters of your work :). So glad all went well, though sad to hear about the Haitus Hernia – will you need an operation? (My Mum had one and it was a great success, by the way). Hoping you can relax this weekend.

  7. Miriam, I’m so glad to hear you had a positive experience with such a caring healthcare provider. Your still life is beautiful! I love the colours and the texture you created in your edit. Lovely!

  8. So glad things went better than expected…it makes such a difference to our lives when we find people with some compassion! love the still life!
    Alison xx

  9. Oh this turned out lovely, so warm and inviting.
    Happy to hear your procedure went well. I went through my own “fears” this week over a dental appointment and I’m happy to say that I too came through just fine.

  10. really beautiful~!!!~
    i love the way that it looks painted in your edited version~well seen and perfectly created~!!~

    i’m glad to hear that you are feeling a bit better about things. it’s such a good thing when the anesthesioligist is caring and kind. something about how much control they may have over our life i guess . . . i’ve had surgical experiences that were not good due to the anesthesiologist and one in particular that was awesome just because i felt like i was in such good hands.



  11. Hi Miriam, I hope you are on the amend and I wanted to send you good wishes. I really like your pears and the richness of the colours and textures. Great photographs!! Andy

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