8 thoughts on “My Month in Numbers

  1. What a glorious sounding month – so much going on and lots of creativity once again. And who knew ‘decorated Gromits’ would be one of the connecting themes in August’s numbers! Have you spotted another one in Sheena’s post?

    I imagine finishing off the UFOs was immensely satisfying – and it’s great to hear you’ve made a MinN book too. I got my 100 Things To Do with Embroidery Hoops book too and am planning to tackle a project from it for this month.

    I’ve added your wonderfully presented numbers to the board now Miriam: http://pinterest.com/notesonpaper/my-month-in-numbers/

    Happy September!

    Julie 🙂

    p.s: The questions for the 3nd ‘Communal Count’ are now up on my blog if you’d like to join in again 🙂

  2. Welcome back! What a great way to catch up on what you’ve been doing in your break from blogging. Sounds like you’ve had a fun time.

    PS I’m envious that you already have Steve Sonheim’s book. I’ve requested it from the library, but it’s still on order!

  3. My goodness, I am quite out of breath reading this! Just as well you weren’t blogging or you would never have got to bed :). I do admire very much the design of this too …

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