Time for Tea

Once a month Abi at Creating Paper Dreams invites us to share a cup or glass of something and catch up.

Knightstone Island Nth Somerset
This is where we were, I took this from the other end of the beach after you had gone.

27th August 2013

“Hello! How lovely to see you again and you have brought the sunshine, thank you. We have had so much rain lately I was thinking we would have to be inside”
You choose the table and I will order, I’m having a glass of iced coffee how about you? No water for me today… Paul & I came here a week or so ago, I ordered water and he had an iced coffee and after looking longingly at his drink he gave me a sip, it was so lovely. Do you ever do that? Order something and prefer the look of someone else’s?”
You have brought me some of your latest projects to see, I have seen them on your blog of course but to hold them and touch them is so much better. We chat about how you have put them together and I am inspired. I have brought a couple of my things to show you and you are kind enough to say how much you like them.


I finished my fabric journal and fabric pages which was a Carla Sonheim class, I still have the purse to make but at least I haven’t started it so it doesn’t belong to the PHD (Projects Half Done) pile.
I bought a new book by Kirsty Neil called 100 Things to do with Embroidery Hoops and couldn’t resisit a felted rainbow. I needle felted a landscape, the foundation was hand felted, then I machine felted it all over. I finished it with a little more hand felting and stitched on some beads. I re-discovered my love of needle felting and have something else on the go at the moment.
Deb at Paper Turtle inspired and encouraged me to have a look at Christy Tomlinson’s “She Art Workshop.” and I made a mixed media piece with paper, glue, paint, beads, thread, wire, and felt! what’s not to love? It was the first time I had attempted a piece of art like this. My first but definitely not my last.
And I put last years Month in Numbers pictures into a kraft note book. Very simple but so nice to see 12 months all together. I like it.

We finish our drinks and our ‘show and tell’ and sit a while looking at the boats bobbing on the water. It is so peaceful and lovely, the sun is bright over the hills and the gulls look magnificent soaring in the sky.

Seaside seagull

There are a few people strolling with their dogs on the beach, they have tempted us to walk on the sand. It looks warm and inviting…
As we walk arm in arm I tell you how I am enjoying my blogging break, I need the time to finish a few projects, do a bit in the garden, gather my thoughts and ‘just be’.
We talk about catching up with blog reading after a break. Do you read them all? Just a few? Just the latest? What about commenting? We laugh at the absurdity of these concerns but belonging to a community means contributing to it doesn’t it?

The town is much quieter today than at the weekend when my sister in law and her husband came to visit. You couldn’t put a pin on the beach!
We have been friends for what seems like forever, since we married in the early 80’s. Our children are the same ages and are great friends; we did so much together when they were young. These days, as Jane is about to become a grandmother, we reminisce and laugh…alot!

Look at the time!
Oh! Thank you so much for coming, for showing me your beautiful pieces and for your friendship.
Shall we do it again?
The 27th of September is a Friday, is that OK with you?

Kites 2

6 thoughts on “Time for Tea

  1. Hello Miriam. Oh I would love to walk arm in arm with you along the sands. Maybe one day! I know what you mean about ordering and then preferring the look of someone else’s! The boy gets so frustrated when I invariably take several good bites of his meal before my own!

    Your projects are beautiful. I love the mixed media piece. As for the blog break they are often needed aren’t they! When I come back from a break I tend to reset my blogs to “all read” and then start commenting again when new posts come up. I figure a break from blogging means a break from commenting too. Good to see you back again and thank you for a lovely day out!

  2. It’s lovely to get out and about in the fresh air! That’s a clever seagull photo: I’m just glad he didn’t get any closer..

    After I’ve been away I do try to read everything (but I’m a fast reader) because I would feel terrible if I missed some news from someone I’m in regular contact with. But I usually only leave a “hello” comment at the end, once only. I couldn’t comment on everything – I’m a fast reader but a very slow typist!

  3. Thank you for a lovely afternoon! It was such a beautiful day, and, of course, the company was wonderful! I love being able to show each other our latest art projects. It’s so inspiring. And the walk on the beach was a perfect way to end the day. I can’t wait for next month! (And I really wish we could do these get-togethers in person. Wouldn’t that be fun?!)

  4. That top photo is wonderful Miram. Have you edited it in an unusual way? Walking along the beach with you would be lovely, but so would just sitting at a table having tea. And you’d be welcome to nibble a bit of my cake if it took your fancy! As I am in the throes of a big blog-catch-up, your question is very relevant to me – I do try to read everything and leave at two or three comments. By which time I have no space for actually creating anything to blog about and then end up with a different kind of stress!

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