My Month in Numbers

I’m joining Julie Kirk with my June and July 2014 recorded, in part, in numbers.

June in numbers

30 days of Capture Your 365 completed that means
181 days completed this year
30 days of Index Card a Day completed
3 the number of houses painted for The Summer of Colour
10 postcards posted
6 ladies at my lunch, which was actually a cream tea in a castle
2 the number of very wet peacocks I saw whilst having tea
2 coffee mornings attended
1 lunch and lovely craft afternoon with a friend
1 lunch and photo walk with a friend, (yes I have more than 1)
949 the number on a little round ticket sitting here on my desk
1 really lovely (husband) birthday (husband’s) lunch enjoyed at a new (to us) place in town
2 the number of mornings I got up early
05:05 to capture the sunrise for Rinda’s Scavenger Hunt
04:34 to accompany my dog while she enjoyed looking out of the gate!
9 items found for the Scavenger Hunt but
2 I’m not happy with
2 bags of ‘topical colours’ M&M’s bought purely for artistic purposes.
I wanted a photographic prop for ‘Topical’. M&M’s did a world cup colours bag and yes I did eat them eventually, and yes both of them. Well, they were rolling around my desk…
And just scrapping into June
1 Lotta day (the rest went into July)
387 the number of miles Ben drove a van full of Lotta’s ‘stuff’ from her university home to here. Now I know that this was not strictly my number but it was the number of miles (and 8.5 hours) I worried about them.
30 (th is that cheating?) is the day Ben started a new job.

June was the month we played host to the first part (!) of Ben’s friends stag do. Organised by Ben. 4 young men stayed 2 nights and 3 days fixing up a car they had bought with the intention of taking it across the country to a race track for the second part of said Do. The event here included 2 evening BBQ’s, 2 breakfast BBQ’s and 2 picnic lunches.
Copious amounts of alcohol consumed on the first night and none on the second night!
In my day stag do’s were Stag Night…no, we won’t go there

June was also the month when I discovered a nest (!) of bees in our roof. I tried to count them (honest Julie) but there were too many. The bee man said they were peaceful, leave them be… 🙂

And 20 the number of brackets, exclamation marks and sets of 3 full stops I have in this…

MiN July 2014

31 days of Capture Your 365 completed that means
212 days completed this year
61 days of Index Card A Day completed
6 houses completed for the Summer of Colour challenge
6 Postcards posted for Sian’s Pile of Postcards
4 Postcards received from same
8 Postcards posted for my 2014 challenge
10 Postcards ordered and received from
16 items found for the scavenger Hunt
31 Lotta days
1 visit to the dentist
1 visit to the hygienist
10 very beautiful Millennium Violet nails…sounds awful but they actually a kind of coffee colour
2 lunches and
2 coffees with friends
Instead of our usual 8 or 9 ladies at my lunch
5 of us went to a funeral; which was on the same day as our booked lunch.
1 photo walk in the park with my friend
160 the combined ages and years married of my brother and his wife who’s party we went to
1 lovely day out to look at a waterfall for Rinda’s Scavenger Hunt. We took
1 picnic, I brother and 1 dog. We visited the Waterfall and a beautiful country Park complete with a castle.

July was a good, creative, friend and family centred month. Fabulous weather, lost count of the number of evenings we ate out in the garden and we actually had two weeks on our own with the dog (Just us chickens) while Ben & Lotta were enjoying a fabulous holiday. Did we mind? That would be telling ☺

What a great idea this is Julie, thank you and I hope you won’t mind that I posted two months today?

My Month in Numbers

May 2014

I am linking with the lovely Julie Kirk with my May 2014 numbers.

MiN May 2014

10 the number of summery pink nails I have this time
1 the number of new gas cookers I had to have
17 the number of years I had the last one
138 the number of miles we travelled to London on a Friday afternoon
32 the number of pods on the London Eye; 1 for each of the London Boroughs (just a random bit of information)
309 the number on a piece of paper I found in the supermarket car park
31 days of Project 365 completed
10 postcards sent out for iHannahs swap
10 postcards received from the swap:
6 from America (1 from Alaska)
3 from Australia
1 from Sweden
6 Lotta days
3 days away over the bank holiday
50 the percentage of Anthony & Cleopatra we saw at the Globe Theatre
1 very nice farewell dinner attended for a former work collegue
1 afternoon shopping with a friend, looking for a gift for the former work collegue
Any number of handbags seen, could have, but didn’t, purchase during the afternoon
1 craft evening with friends interrupted by the loudest thunderstorm ever…
8 ladies at my lunch
2 coffee outings.

May 2014
I am doing great with my postcard posting. Its week 22 and I’ve posted 44 cards
I’m sad to say that they don’t always arrive. I think I might have to start putting them in envelopes.
The most exciting thing about May though was going to London for the weekend. I am not good at travelling and not good at being away, and get worse as I get older! Anyway, Ben had bought tickets for himself & husband to see Seasick Steve at the Albert Hall on the Friday evening.
Lotta & I spent the evening wandering about playing with our cameras, having fun, having dinner and generally enjoying ourselves until the boys got back from their concert. The rest of the weekend was just plain lovely. There was sunshine and showers all weekend. We travelled on a bus, a boat and lots of taxi’s, breakfast, lunch and dinner out and not a washing up brush in sight…Just Perfect.
June will have a lot to live up to.

Thank you Julie

My Month in Numbers

Linking with Julie Kirk with my April 2014 numbers.

MiN April 2014

57350 the number on a little scrap of paper I picked up off the floor
30 days of project 365 completed
8 ladies at lunch with my Wednesday group
2 Coffee’s with friends
1 lunch with a friend at a new place…very nice!
10 fabulous Ruby Nails with a butterfly alighting on a flower! That’s what Sarah (my nail technician) said anyway
2 visits to the dentist. Both appointments were 60 minutes long, that’s 120 minutes! I really think I have conquered my fear now.
2 days out with my friend to National Trust properties
7 Lotta days
25 years of Ben (seems like yesterday)
1 meal in our favourite restaurant in town
10 postcards made for iHannahs swap
8 of my own postcards sent out
I very beautiful EMPTY lone wasps nest found
5 of us at a family dinner on Good Friday, great food & lots of laughing
8 very beautiful Easter eggs in a box; complete with yellow rice paper straw!
from my husband,
17 days on a blogging break which I really enjoyed but I missed you all.

April, Ben’s birthday: always lots of reminiscing to be done, occasions remembered, tales told and re-told, and lots of laughing… poor Ben! This time his girlfriend, Lotta was here and he had the week off work so it was extra special. Easter came & went and Paul has been working away so a mixed month: nothing strange or startling, as my mother used to say.
The number on the little piece of paper that I found made me smile and think of Julie Kirk. She always has such interesting numbers to share so I thought I would include this, just because I can.
The chocolates are gorgeous, just two left!

Thank you Julie.

My Month in Numbers

Gosh, March marched by didn’t it? In fact I seem to have lost the first week of April!
Looking back through my March photos we have had some really beautiful days, enough to make me feel that spring is here.
I am linking up with Julie Kirk with a few March memories collected in numbers.

March in numbers

31 days of Capture your 365 completed
Another 4 Lotta days this month
2 days away in the New Forrest
Numerous New Forrest Ponies seen and photographed
10 postcards posted
7 postcards received
10 Passionate Plum Nails with a butterfly on my ring fingers
108 fence boards now in place along the side of our garden
432 nails fired into the wood with a nail gun, a project much loved by Ben!
1 lunch with my friend
1 visit to the hygienist all by myself again
1 coffee and a mooch around the charity shops with another friend
1 lunch with my Wednesday group and
8 ladies turned up this month
1 coffee with another friend
I craft evening attended where I met
2 new crafty ladies
3 visits to the vet with my dog
122 pounds spent so far!!!!
We are on potatoes for a couple of weeks but she is worth it. Yes we have insurance but the excess is 100 pounds
Lots of sewing done including
10 ‘prayer flags’ with initials of the ladies at the craft evening on and now with a
J H & M embroidered on (Jill, Helena & Marsha)
2 cat pincushions made. 1 for M-i-l and 1 for a friend
1 Spotty Scottie dog pincushion made just for me
Thousands of starlings seen
100 years of Helen celebrated
and 1 mothers day celebrated with daffodils and thoughts of my own mother

I know lots and numerous and thousands are a bit vague but hey, it’s my list…

March was the month I finally got to see a murmuration of starlings. Quite by accident as I thought they only did their thing in the autumn months. We were on the Somerset Levels, on our way to the New Forrest for Helens 100th birthday party when a black cloud of birds flew across the road. We turned down a side road, parked the car and watched them. I was completely captivated.

Thank you Julie for this fun way of recording some details of the month.

My Month in Numbers

February 2014

I’m joining in with Julie by recording Febuary in numbers.

February 2014

28 the number of days completed for Capture Your 365
8 the number of days my brother and his partner came to stay
1 birthday {mine}
61 a number that doesn’t bare thinking about
4 Lotta days this month
2 weekends away
1 Valentines day when I was thoroughly spoilt
3 ‘coffee with friends’
I lunch with my group
I lunch with my friend
12 postcards posted
3 postcards received
1 Gelli print (plus) class completed (Carla Sonheim)
10 the number of beautiful dark purple nails I have. Colour: Pinot with a daisy on my ring finger, for spring. I had hearts for valentines week
4 the number of weeks of Creative Photography completed (Steve Sonheim)
4 bags of ‘stuff’ taken to the charity shop from a clear out
1 outing + lunch to see snowdrops with a new group I have joined
1 outing + hot chocolate to see more snowdrops with my friend
6 the number of inches of mud the car is still stuck in!

February is always a lovely month for me with Valentines Day and my birthday close together. As a family we try to get together for a weekend too and this year we were in South Wales. We were fortunate to have three lovely bright sunny days together with plenty of eating, drinking and general merriment.

Thank you for this great meme Julie.