My Month in Numbers

Linking with Julie Kirk with my April 2014 numbers.

MiN April 2014

57350 the number on a little scrap of paper I picked up off the floor
30 days of project 365 completed
8 ladies at lunch with my Wednesday group
2 Coffee’s with friends
1 lunch with a friend at a new place…very nice!
10 fabulous Ruby Nails with a butterfly alighting on a flower! That’s what Sarah (my nail technician) said anyway
2 visits to the dentist. Both appointments were 60 minutes long, that’s 120 minutes! I really think I have conquered my fear now.
2 days out with my friend to National Trust properties
7 Lotta days
25 years of Ben (seems like yesterday)
1 meal in our favourite restaurant in town
10 postcards made for iHannahs swap
8 of my own postcards sent out
I very beautiful EMPTY lone wasps nest found
5 of us at a family dinner on Good Friday, great food & lots of laughing
8 very beautiful Easter eggs in a box; complete with yellow rice paper straw!
from my husband,
17 days on a blogging break which I really enjoyed but I missed you all.

April, Ben’s birthday: always lots of reminiscing to be done, occasions remembered, tales told and re-told, and lots of laughing… poor Ben! This time his girlfriend, Lotta was here and he had the week off work so it was extra special. Easter came & went and Paul has been working away so a mixed month: nothing strange or startling, as my mother used to say.
The number on the little piece of paper that I found made me smile and think of Julie Kirk. She always has such interesting numbers to share so I thought I would include this, just because I can.
The chocolates are gorgeous, just two left!

Thank you Julie.

12 thoughts on “My Month in Numbers

  1. HI Miriam,
    I like your monthly numbers. Maybe I will try it this month. I’m recovering from a long illness and despairing of ever getting my energy back. Maybe totting up the little strides I make will be motivational.
    Also, forgive me if I have confused you with someone else, but did you send me a postcard? I think it was you I sent my address to, but I’m not 100% certain. At any rate, I have not received anything from you. This could be due to 1. you didn’t send it yet, 2. you sent it and it got lost, 3. you’re not the person I sent my address to, 4. this whole postcard thing is a figment of my imagination. Sigh.
    Anyway, I hope you have a pleasant Sunday. Monday is our 28th anniversary, but we’ll probably splurge on some Starbucks coffee concoction tomorrow morning as, of course, Monday is a workday. 🙂 m

  2. Lots of lovely time spent with family and friends, makes for a very good month in my book. Those Easter eggs are beautiful. Do you know I misread the first line and thought you’d picked up 57350 scraps of paper from the floor! Glad to see you back blogging. I’ve missed you too.

  3. “strange or startling” – my Mum says that. If I hear myself saying it, I’m going to know I’m really turning into my mother!

    Those are some very appetising looking Easter eggs

  4. sounds a lovely month and I like your Mum’s saying of nothing strange or startling – there is a lot to be said for it. Tour chocolate egg box looks yummy and I love the randomness of that number on the piece of paper

  5. Lovely to know that you can all celebrate together – I always think it’s lovely to do this as a family :). Some very interesting numbers there – wey-hey for conquering the dentist’s chair! Easter eggs? Wishing I had some left ….

  6. I always so enjoy reading your numbers, Miriam.
    It sounds like you had a great month.
    I wish you a wonderful beginning to your week.

  7. Another interesting month! Sounds like a good one (except for the dentist part). I love those Easter eggs. They wouldn’t have lasted this long around me!
    I’m glad you enjoyed your blog break, but I’m also glad you’re back.

  8. Oh Miriam … when I read your first number I thought to myself … ‘that’s the kind of thing that I’d do’ … and then there you are, saying the same thing! Love it! Now all you need to do is find the door/safety deposit box/ laptop that that code unlocks … and you’ve got a whole other story to tell!!

    Your wasp’s nest reminds me of the time I was revising for collage exams in my parent’s summer pagoda type thingy [!] … and all week I’d been hearing a funny quiet scraping noise but thought nothing of it really until … I noticed that in the corner, behind / above me there was a newly built wasp nest made from the wood pulp they’d been scraping from the wood all around me! It was a little bit creepy … even though, like yours, their structure was amazing!

    Thanks for joining me again Miriam – I always love how you present your statistics.

    Your post’s safely pinned to the board alongside the others now:

    May May bring you many good things!

    Julie x

  9. Your April was really full of numbers; love that you included the scrap paper number! Makes one wonder what it could’ve represented! Are the gorgeous paintings scrolling at the top of your blog your creations?

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