My Month in Numbers

I’m joining Julie Kirk with my June and July 2014 recorded, in part, in numbers.

June in numbers

30 days of Capture Your 365 completed that means
181 days completed this year
30 days of Index Card a Day completed
3 the number of houses painted for The Summer of Colour
10 postcards posted
6 ladies at my lunch, which was actually a cream tea in a castle
2 the number of very wet peacocks I saw whilst having tea
2 coffee mornings attended
1 lunch and lovely craft afternoon with a friend
1 lunch and photo walk with a friend, (yes I have more than 1)
949 the number on a little round ticket sitting here on my desk
1 really lovely (husband) birthday (husband’s) lunch enjoyed at a new (to us) place in town
2 the number of mornings I got up early
05:05 to capture the sunrise for Rinda’s Scavenger Hunt
04:34 to accompany my dog while she enjoyed looking out of the gate!
9 items found for the Scavenger Hunt but
2 I’m not happy with
2 bags of ‘topical colours’ M&M’s bought purely for artistic purposes.
I wanted a photographic prop for ‘Topical’. M&M’s did a world cup colours bag and yes I did eat them eventually, and yes both of them. Well, they were rolling around my desk…
And just scrapping into June
1 Lotta day (the rest went into July)
387 the number of miles Ben drove a van full of Lotta’s ‘stuff’ from her university home to here. Now I know that this was not strictly my number but it was the number of miles (and 8.5 hours) I worried about them.
30 (th is that cheating?) is the day Ben started a new job.

June was the month we played host to the first part (!) of Ben’s friends stag do. Organised by Ben. 4 young men stayed 2 nights and 3 days fixing up a car they had bought with the intention of taking it across the country to a race track for the second part of said Do. The event here included 2 evening BBQ’s, 2 breakfast BBQ’s and 2 picnic lunches.
Copious amounts of alcohol consumed on the first night and none on the second night!
In my day stag do’s were Stag Night…no, we won’t go there

June was also the month when I discovered a nest (!) of bees in our roof. I tried to count them (honest Julie) but there were too many. The bee man said they were peaceful, leave them be… 🙂

And 20 the number of brackets, exclamation marks and sets of 3 full stops I have in this…

MiN July 2014

31 days of Capture Your 365 completed that means
212 days completed this year
61 days of Index Card A Day completed
6 houses completed for the Summer of Colour challenge
6 Postcards posted for Sian’s Pile of Postcards
4 Postcards received from same
8 Postcards posted for my 2014 challenge
10 Postcards ordered and received from
16 items found for the scavenger Hunt
31 Lotta days
1 visit to the dentist
1 visit to the hygienist
10 very beautiful Millennium Violet nails…sounds awful but they actually a kind of coffee colour
2 lunches and
2 coffees with friends
Instead of our usual 8 or 9 ladies at my lunch
5 of us went to a funeral; which was on the same day as our booked lunch.
1 photo walk in the park with my friend
160 the combined ages and years married of my brother and his wife who’s party we went to
1 lovely day out to look at a waterfall for Rinda’s Scavenger Hunt. We took
1 picnic, I brother and 1 dog. We visited the Waterfall and a beautiful country Park complete with a castle.

July was a good, creative, friend and family centred month. Fabulous weather, lost count of the number of evenings we ate out in the garden and we actually had two weeks on our own with the dog (Just us chickens) while Ben & Lotta were enjoying a fabulous holiday. Did we mind? That would be telling ☺

What a great idea this is Julie, thank you and I hope you won’t mind that I posted two months today?

5 thoughts on “My Month in Numbers

  1. I agree with you about the inflation of ‘nights’ into ‘ weekends’ or ‘dos’ but their car building project sounds fun. sounds a good two months

  2. I always enjoy reading your summaries of the month! Several of these had me laughing – the wet peacocks, the number of brackets and full stops, M&Ms bought for artistic purposes (I’ve made a note of that one! Never know when it could come in handy!). And family, friends, photowalks – what a lovely couple of months.

  3. This post brings to home how far behind I am in getting my memories recorded. I’m still working on April! I should have kept a numbers record like you do. I hope my daily notes and photos are enough to get me through!

  4. Oh my! What a fun 2 months of numerical memories. Puts an entirely different take on those “everyday” type experiences that add up to our lives. I think I will indeed have to try this, if not for a month, at minimum, a day! Looking forward to August’s count!


  5. You must have tally sheets all over your desk to keep track of all this stuff! Still, it’s a great way to summarize all what you’ve been up to, and the layouts you created for each month are wonderful.

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