Helena’s lovely meme has had me zooming in and out on my walk this week. I love looking at teasels, they are so architectural with their oval spiny heads either in flower, or in their lovely summer colour as they are now or later in the year when they become much darker.

Zooming out
Zoom Out

Zooming in
Zoom In

Not really zooming one way or the other, more looking down. I just like the picture.

Thank you Helena. You can see what others have been zooming in and out on this week, right here.

10 thoughts on “ZIZO

  1. Ooh! I never knew what they were called. Like them lots for the same reasons you do. Not doing much on the internet as I have 45 tablecloths that must be sewn by Friday night. Insert sound of me freaking out here _______.

  2. I don’t always comment on ZIZOs, but I must say I really like what you’ve captured this week–especially combination of detail and bokeh in the middle image.

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