Looking Up and Down

Catching up…

…with this lovely meme. Even though I was on a blogging break I still made the pictures.

14th August

Looking Up and Down at the suspension bridge in Clifton, Bristol

Looking Up at the bridge

Looking down on the bridge

21st August

Looking Up and Down on a walk in the Brecon Beacons

Looking down stream

Looking up at the canopy

28th August

Looking Up and Down around the circus in town

Looking Up at the Big Top

Looking Down at the ropes

4th September

Looking Up and Down on a beautiful September morning in my garden
Looking up September morning

Looking down September morn

11th September

Looking Up and Down around the docks in Portishead, Bristol

These lovely stones have words and quotes on them that form part of a riddle which tells the story of the docks at Portishead. I did visit the website but could make neither head nor tail of it! The stones are lovely with or without the riddle.
Look up Stones

Part of the old Lock gate mechanism at low tide
Lock low tide

I love how the vertical lines of the lock gate and the stones echo each other.

Thank you Helena, for this great practice of looking at things a little differently.

8 thoughts on “Looking Up and Down

  1. each pair is beautiful and different – you have been to some interesting places and love how you have chosen interesting perspectives

  2. What beautiful shots, Miriam. I love your combinations of up/down, and I have to say that your composition in each of these photos is just so pleasing to the eye! I went back and enjoyed them a second time.

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