Pairs Week 42

And an update

Yesterday was the last day of my radiotherapy treatments. Hooray hooray hooray. It seems to have been a long struggle, starting off very up beat and positive but slowly declining into a nightmare of side effects, but now its all over! I am free of daily visits to the hospital. I can concentrate on getting back to my old self (whatever that is).

The sun setting over Ashton Park on our way home yesterday

So, a huge thank you, to all of you, from the bottom of my heart for every good wish, passing thought, prayer, positive vibe, card, post card, e-mail and/or Instagram. I am truly grateful. Not only did all the messages help me with the diagnosis and the treatments but they will help me back to blogging.
That old chestnut called insecurity will no doubt rear its ugly head but I’ll look at my box of hearts and they will give me positivity.

So, what’s new? What have you all been up to? Been on holiday? Had friends over? Started any new blog things? Any new memes? Anything I can join?
I have done some sewing, photography, leaf collecting and flower making (with the leaves).
I kept a daily diary which I made before my hospital stay. Oh! and I had my hair permed so that it would be easy to care for when I didn’t want to care for it. It needs re-doing then I’ll change my picture on the side bar.
I bought a new phone, I choose the iPad 5s because the camera is just brilliant.

I’m sorry I had to bow out of your Scavenger Hunt Rinda. I did get most of the items but ran out of concentration when it came to collating /posting them. I do hope you will do it again next year. I wonder if Joy & Eileen might organise a winter one again?

I see my flickr feed needs updating although Instagram seems to be OK.
My header could do with updating too. I feel a list coming on.

I have missed Pairs so I’ll start off my catching up with Helena’s lovely meme.
These made me smile. If you have seen them on Instagram, maybe they will make you smile again.


Version 2


Seahorse – Version 2

We have had this little thing for 50+ years, long before we knew better.

Isn’t autumn just beautiful here and around the world? Instagram has definitely been a creative lifesaver for me. I’ve seen life continue, seen the season change around the world and made some new friends. For all of this I am grateful.

Of course I am also grateful for my life, my health and my family and friends. I’m not sure how I feel about ‘life after cancer’ or being ‘a survivor’. I have another procedure and follow-up appointments to come but right now I just want to join you all again in Blogland. That OK with you?

The sky here this morning

22 thoughts on “Pairs Week 42

  1. lovely to see you here and good to hear the radiation is done with – love the pair of sea horses – must be feeling on the mend if a list is in the offing !! take care

  2. Wonderful news! I am glad your radiation treatments are done…..and you don’t have those long tiring drives everyday.
    Lovely photo of the spiky sun..and a great set of pairs with the seahorses.
    I have really been enjoying your leaf roses on instagram!
    and Welcome back to blogland.

  3. Miriam glad to hear that you have finished with your chemo and you feel better. I am sure that it has been a long haul for you. Sending lots of positive energy your way. I like your Pairs of the seahorses – yes I think I would prefer the edible variety.

  4. Welcome back Miriam, you’ve been missed. I love your pair of photos today .., have you eaten the chocolate one yet?

    Yes, we are planning a Winter Scavenger Hunt – I’m meeting Joy next week to start putting the list together.

  5. Oh so glad to hear that you have finished. I have a friend who just got the all clear on her numbers after finishing her treatment. Hope your numbers continue to be good and you get back to whatever ‘normal’ is.

    Yes, autumn light and colours are always gorgeous I think.

  6. Hey there, Miriam! What a lovely surprise to see your blog pop up in my feed this afternoon. I’m so happy to hear that you are past your treatments, and it does my heart good to read that you are ready to get back into the activities of blogland. That’s a good sign, I’d say. ;o) If it’s any consolation, I wasn’t able to finish Rinda’s scavenger hunt this year either. Do continue to take care of yourself. It’s great to see you back in this space. xo

  7. I don’t think I have visited your blog before. Sorry to hear that you have been battling cancer, but glad to hear that this is the last radiotherapy. Good luck with your further recovery and journey back to good health! Glad thatyou’ve had lots of positive comments. Isn’t blogging great! I am doing a blog comment challenge 300 in 30 days! I’m half way through now.

  8. Fantastic! hands down the best news I’m going to hear this week. I’m delighted that you are feeling up to posting and sharing your progress. Hooray!

  9. Of course it is! Lovely to see you back. Very creative pairing and yes, it made me smile 🙂 Julie (Notes on Paper) has set herself a challenge of 300 comments in 30 days, which has caused some interesting discussion among bloggers that I follow. I’ve revived my SIPIDI meme this month, although I have a feeling you’re not a “Pinner”, from a comment you left me some time ago. Be kind to yourself x

  10. It’s absolutely OK, Miriam! Come and hang out again, with no obligation :). What a joy to see you, and sorry it’s been such a hard and difficult time … Aw, your little sea-horses are lovely. I have only ever seen one live in special water exhibition at Kew Gardens and I was so absolutely fascinated that I completely fell in love and had to be torn away.

  11. Fabulous news, and what an appropriate photo – of the sun shining through – just beautiful!

    And welcome back to blogging, not because I think we should all be spending all our lives online – but because how else would we all connect with one another?!

    And what clever pairs! x

  12. Hi Miriam, Nellie and I were talking about you today and hoping that everything was going ok for you, so I was delighted to look here and see that you are doing so well.
    Lots of love, Darlene xxx

  13. Great pair of seahorses Miriam! I am so glad you have finished your radiation and can now get back to normal. It takes a little while so don’t rush it! I found the tiredness lasted the longest of anything and would just go have afternoon naps out of the clear blue. I think the 2 of us need to celebrate don’t you?

  14. Miriam, I am so sorry I missed this post a few weeks ago. I am so pleased you have finished the radiotherapy, hopefully in time you will regain your strength. Good to see you in blogland again, I can you you have been keeping busy with different projects, I love the paper birds.

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