Pairs week 43

I made myself laugh with this Pair this morning. Another Edible/Inedible

A pair of pumpkins




Thank you for this lovely meme Helena
And to these lovely people who left me a message last week.

My Cousin Darlene
Jill you can find her on Instagram @prairiejill
Mrs Wookie
Deb Thanks for the postcard!
Maureen & JB

Sorry I haven’t been able to visit you this week

How plans change in an instant.
Last Sunday my son Ben came off his mountain bike! We spent the afternoon and early evening in the hospital in Newport S. Wales. On the up side I have my son at home with me this week, (his partner is away) which I absolutely adore but I am having to help him quite a lot as he has two broken elbows!!!and some other injuries but he is Ok. We keep laughing, as together we don’t quite make a whole working person.

17 thoughts on “Pairs week 43

  1. Oh Miriam your poor son, two broken elbows, now this is a pair I surely would not like to have. Sending him some positive energy for quick mending of the bones. Your Pair on the other hand are quite cute. I hope you enjoy your week with your son. 🙂

  2. The “real” pumpkin is beautiful, but personally, I’ll take the chocolate pumpkin any day! (Or chocolate anything, for that matter.)

    Oh dear, poor Ben!! Best wishes to him, too. (Can’t help but chuckle, though, at your comment about the two of you together being not quite one working person! Humour truly is one of the best medicines around, I think.) Would love to add a string of emojis here, but my computer doesn’t do them as well as my iPad, so I’ll make up for it next time I’m on IG!

  3. Two broken elbows sounds extremely painful – how long will that take to heal? I like the fact that the two of you are muddling through together!

    I like the chocolate pumpkin!

  4. Oh my! What an injury! no wonder he needs looking after [I can imagine it’s nice to have him there].

    It made me smile to think of the ‘real’ pumpkin as the inedible one!

  5. Your pairs are awesome, Miriam, and you are so sweet to link up to those who left you messages. Oh my goodness – TWO broken elbows? Ouch and ouch!!! Sending thoughts and wishes for your son’s speedy recovery. Enjoy his presence while you can! xo

  6. Both lovely (and both edible? Or is the bottom one ceramic?). Great ideas this week and last. Sorry for my silent interlude – I’ve been off radar a bit lately but so pleased to see you back, sounding in good spirits (in spite of it all – gosh) and taking such great pics as always!

  7. Two broken elbows! Oh goodness that sounds painful and inconvenient. I now have a picture in my head of a boy I once knew who fell off a shed roof and broke both arms which were plaster casted all the way up. I was about six and it’s a sight I’ve never forgotten. I hope Ben isn’t similarly plagued. Though maybe he is? How do they set broken elbows? Hope he’s better sooon

  8. seems dreadful to be laughing at the thought of you two not quite making a whole person. Hope you are both doing well and of course laughter is a great boost to recovery. Love your pairs – I bought a cauldron full of Halloween goodies for my nephews this week – such fun things available.

  9. Oh my goodness, Miriam, that sounds terrible :(. As if you haven’t enough to be coping with …Sending warmest good wishes to Ben, and ouch!, broken elbows sound very painful. Luckily you have more than one person’s good humour between you :). And what a super pairing – I haven’t seen chocolate pumpkins but they look yummy.

  10. Oh no! Sending healing thoughts for him. Don’t forget to take care of yourself – you need that right now. Now as for the pictures – I enjoyed that pair a lot and got a little chuckle out of the first one.

  11. Goodness, that does sound painful. Wishing you both a good recovery. The pumpkins they sell in the supermarket for carving are truly inedible, but the seeds are very tasty roasted.

  12. Poor Ben – hope he is recovering smoothly and you are both still laughing and enjoying the time together.

    Wookie would agree with you on the inedible one – he’s not a fan of eating pumpkin (except their seeds toasted)

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