Pairs Week 44

This week my Pair are linked only by the fact that I made them both, but I think that however tenuous it still makes a pair.

So, the first project is a flock of birds cut from book pages. Shock! Horror! But I had it shipped from Finland especially (actually Ben brought it home for me) I figured that as I couldn’t read it I could happily cut it and it would be much more appreciated used in a craft project.
Anyway, the little black and white paper birds are perched on a branch (punched from book pages). Their wings are three dimensional and they have a little black eye drawn with a pen. They will be hung from a branch to flutter in the heat from a radiator. Their hanging loop, cut from heavy cotton is also their long spindly legs..Intriguing… I also made a couple out of Christmas paper and had the bird hold a twig in its beak but I’m not sure.

The second project I did is a three dimensional picture. Size 4″ x 12″ (Portrait). I covered a piece of heavy card with a green(y) scrapbook paper.
I collected twigs, stems and leaves from the garden and made some paper beads and a wire and bead ‘tree’. I painted some of the twigs red or green just to break up the brown a bit.
I stuck everything down onto the board in a row, top to bottom varying the widths of each item, but keeping the pieces within the width of the card. I am looking at it now and feel pleased. Not just with the making but the process and of course the finished projects.

Oh! you want to see them?

Ah! there in lies a little problem. I can’t see my photo library this morning! Paul is away and I have exhausted all my technical skills.

*Shut down/Restart the whole machine

Does anyone remember a blogger called Mel at ispeakmelsh? She did a daily photographic challenge and when the photo involved her family or a place that might be recognisable or traceable she would do this:



Normal service may or may not resume later.

Thank you for Pairs Helena

10 thoughts on “Pairs Week 44

  1. Oh dear, repeat after me “technology IS our friend, technology is our friend” Your description of the birds certainly gave me a chuckle out loud (col) this morning – thank you. I like this technique. Hoping all things are restored quickly.

  2. love that you soldiered on with humour to post when technology would not oblige – I must remember the huff/polish step the next time mine goes wrong. Looking forward to seeing both when technological service resumes – they both sound fabulous

  3. What a shame! I really want to see them now!! Hope normal service can resume quickly. I’ve just had to switch everything off and on again – our internet connection is not good!

  4. Oh, they’re beautiful!! So sweet and delicate. Well done! … hee-hee

    Well, they sound wonderful anyway! Can’t wait to see the actual projects. And I’m with Helena – must remember the huff/polish step. Great tip!

  5. So sorry it’s not coming up trumps for you! Your description is very detailed so I am using my imagination. I do indeed remember Mel, and sat beside her at our Blogger’s Weekend in September. She’d be chuffed to know you remembered her privacy technique :).

  6. Your description is wonderful and it will be nice to see them once the technology gods deem to let you. I do remember Mel and I’d forgotten that she used to do that. Miss her!

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