11 thoughts on “One Photo Twenty Words

  1. Dear Miriam,
    Sawn Shaun the Sheep at the movies the other week with my neighbor. Fun. Shauns in any form are therapeutic, you know. But, of course you know. You and your son were hugging one! Don’t worry one little bit about not keeping up with blog reading. There are times I simply am not up to it -either from the MS or depression or the head injury I managed to give myself last February. So I clear the slate and start fresh when I’m ready.
    So, you are hereby absolved from any guilt about not keeping up! Use your energy as you see fit to get better! That’s what we all want. Yes, indeed.
    🙂 m & jb xxoo

  2. How lovely. There’s something special about fading beauty isn’t there. I often find myself photographing the faded, rusty, skeletal shapes that reveal themselves this time of year.

    Lovely post.

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