Me on Monday

Just to let you know how things are in my corner of blogland.

Me, on Monday 7th September 2015

Today is the 7th day of my course of radiotherapy. The treatment itself is painless, nothing to see, hear or feel. Actually, that’s not quite true. One of the machines that I am booked on could do with a drop of oil!
I have given up referring to the board that I lie on a bed! It is about as far away from a bed as you can imagine and no pillows, not one!
The daily grind up to the city is exhausting, the waiting around at the hospital takes some deep breathing and an easy going book to read. It is a four hour ‘round trip and I just want to get home afterwards. I had great plans to have a little photo walk every day but I can’t do that just yet.

Paul bought me some particularly photogenic flowers at the weekend.



I am recovering well from the operation I had almost 8 weeks ago. I still can’t stand,(everything feels as though it’s falling out!) but walking is a lot better, no speed yet, my greyhound still overtakes me but come the end of September I hope to beat her up the stairs.


I have attempted to catch up with some blog reading but find it impossible to concentrate. I miss you but some of you post to Instagram so I get to say hello to you. I have had so many good wishes, cards, e-mail and IG that it makes my heart swell. I have this dichotomy, I want to read your blogs, I want to contribute, but I can’t concentrate and that makes me sad. So to keep myself up-beat I have decided not to try to visit for another few weeks. I do think about you though.

You may remember that my son Ben ran his first 10K race in Cardiff this time last year? He has asked me to put his Just Giving page here on my blog. He wasn’t going to run to support a charity as he feels he has ‘only just’ asked but cancer has hit right at the heart and soul of his life so he is asking again.
I am so proud of him as you can imagine.

I am hoping to go to Bristol to cheer him on next weekend. Perhaps you would think of him and will him to Run Ben, Run!

This is the link to his page if you would like to make a donation or see a picture of Ben & I hugging a Shaun. 🙂

This is just a screen shot of his page, you can’t make a donation from here.

Screen Shot 2015-09-07 at 13.30.50

It is a beautiful day here today I hope the sun is shining for you.


I went for a coffee with a friend and we sat under this beautiful sun shade.


Thankful for my friends, those I can touch with my hands and those I can touch with my heart.

Thanks to you all, I feel loved and cherished.

14 thoughts on “Me on Monday

  1. Hang in there Miriam! I have heard that radiotherapy is very tiring and no wonder you are tired when it takes up so much of your day. I continue to think of you. I miss you visiting our blogs.

  2. Those are certainly beautiful flowers. I like the thistle like ones, pretty blue. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and energy for a good week ahead, you will be racing up those steps soon 🙂

  3. I think anyone who has been around serious illness understands the kind of recovery which includes not being able to concentrate (or indeed, walk for very long!) Taking it easy and saving your strength for the treatment is the main thing at the minute. Honestly, no one will be expecting to hear from you x Keep it going Miriam, we’re all with you

  4. I am so glad yo see you here today, dear Miriam, and so glad to hear that you are recovering. Please know that I think about you often. You hang in there, and take good care of you, sweet friend. xo.

  5. So delighted to read your post, and to know that you are getting out and about, even if slowly and tentatively at first, Miriam. Such beautiful eryngiums (?). I’m glad to know you are putting your energy into a gentle recovery and enjoying the world around you, rather than catching up with blogs :). We can all wait!

  6. Hi Miriam
    So glad to read your update. You have been in my thoughts. It is a long haul and exhausting. You are on the road to recovery. The flowers are so beautiful! Love your IG posts. I look forward to seeing them. Happy day

  7. So good to hear from you Miriam! Be gentle and patient with yourseld as you recover and know that we will all still be here when you are feeling well enough to make the blog rounds again. Send lots of warm healing thoughts your way!

  8. Hi Miriam…wishing you all the best. I do hope the remainder of your radiotherapy goes well and is not too tiring…..the long commute is certainly an extra stress..
    Loving your IG posts

  9. I am catching up with blog reading, good to read your update. You will be feeling tired for a while so just rest and concentrate on getting well again. You are in my thoughts.

  10. Miriam, I didn’t know, I didn’t know.

    I feel so bad for not stopping by sooner – but you don’t need my guilt. How about a nice serendipity for you …

    Over the last few days the quote ‘comparison is the thief of joy’ has been going through my head. Even as I pegged out the washing on the line this morning, while, for some reason humming the theme tune to Jurassic Park … but I digress …

    Then today you popped in my head [I’m re-connecting with lots of blogs this month] and so I googled your name to find your blog and what quote should come up next to your name in my search … ‘comparison is the thief of joy’. I was absolutely meant to stop by to see you today. I’m happy I did … and sorry I hadn’t much earlier.

    Wishing you well and holding you in my thoughts [in between the Jurassic Park soundtrack which is stuck in my head now].

    Julie xxx

  11. Hope all is done now with the radiation. I sure know what you mean about that board/slab thing – I couldn’t wait to get off of it everyday. After reading that your trip is 4 hours I don’t feel so bad about 25 to 30 minutes in and then back that we had to do. Went for my checkup a week ago Friday and they seem happy although would like me to try the Tamoxifen again. I’ll do that once I finish recovering from last week’s surgery to remove some benign anomalies. I’m thinking of you. Take care.

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