My Month in Numbers

January 2014

I’m joining in with Julie by recording January in numbers.

Month in Numbers January

31 the number of days of project 365 completed
4 the number of weeks of Frugal Still Life completed
5 the number of weeks of Helena’s new meme Zoom in Zoom Out
5 Lotta days
1 Christmas Dinner complete with trifle because Lotta was here
1 funeral attended but we had
2 baby boys born in our family. One to my niece and the other to Paul’s nephew
21 the number of days my son was away
21 the number of days I missed him
10 the number of fabulous purple nails I have
1 dentist appointment
1 doctors appointment
but 1 trip to the hairdresser for new colours more than made up for that
5 days of Carla Sonheims Gelli Printing class enjoyed.
1 lunch with my group
1 morning out with my friend
1 coffee with friends
70 postcards received from the printers and my only purchase this month, which I didn’t know I needed:
3 very beautiful wooden stamps

This month we decorated my craft room. A major job because I have so much stuff. We took advantage of Ben being away and emptied my room into his unoccupied room. We painted the walls a kind of stone colour. (Dulux Timeless) the woodwork and ceiling are white. I have a new carpet, a kind of honey colour. My desk, bookcases and cupboards are also white. It feels so light and airy. The colour comes from all my stuff! I’ll take some pictures when it’s all done and ‘for one day only’, tidy!

And for Julies Comunal Count…
The C C Jan 2014

My Month in Numbers

December 2013

I’m joining in with Julie (that sounds like a little song!) by recording last month in numbers.
I don’t actually keep a log of numbers, I use my calendar which serves as my mouse mat and my photos from the month to make the post. Not very technical but very accurate as I can’t move and go no-where if it’s not on my calendar. I’m going to try to look for more numbers this year though.

Min December

I’m not sure what has happened to my image this time. It is perfectly legible in Photoshop but by the time it arrived here I can’t read any of the numbers!! I’ll fix it before I print it.

31 pictures taken for project 365, that completes another year.

591 pictures taken this month but then we were away for
4 nights as a pre Christmas treat and then there was Christmas. Santa was very generous indeed and gave me a
100 mm lens for my camera

3 lunches with friends

1 lunch with family in a fun place in the middle of no where. It was an old mill now a craft centre and shop selling all sorts as well as coffee every day and Sunday Lunches!. Ben said he wasn’t sure about eating lunch in a shop although the pair of us had fun trying all the hats on whilst waiting for lunch.

1 visit to the hairdresser, I have had enough of growing my hair now.

2 nail appointments this month, just the way the days fell

1 new carpet fitted. A gorgeous dark red in our hall stairs and landing…I love it!

1 day with 2 appointments at the doctors surgery and 2 appointments at the dentist!!
Goodness knows how that happened.

1 craft evening complete with nibbles, wine and our secret Santa

1 lunch with my wednesday group. You may remember the fuss one of the ladies was making about our Christmas lunch. Well as it turned out, she didn’t come!
Mary made Duck terrine with confit of oranges which was ‘to die for’
I cooked a beautiful beef in red wine with chestnut dumplings for the main course and Jean and Sonia each made a dessert. No we couldn’t move afterwards but we laughed a lot and evereyone was thrilled with their Secret Santa.

52 cards received from The second half of the year of Looking Up and Down.

6 days my dog was in the Kennels NOT a happy bunny or dog actually.

3 sad days this month. Life also happens in December not just Christmas

But we had 1 really fabulous, relaxed, fun, family Christmas Holiday.

and the Communal Count

06 Dec The Communal Count

I watched
2 films for the life of me I can’t remember the names of! We watched them one afternoon, one after the other, very unusual for us.
Love Actually
Polar Express
Four Christmases
While You Were Sleeping
The Holiday
Planes, Trains & Automobiles
Miracle on 34th Street
and The Snowman

My Month in Numbers…

…and The Communal Count

I’m joining Julie Kirk at Notes on Paper again by recording my November in numbers.

November found me mostly crafting and going out for lunch and coffee! The month just flew by. I have almost finished my marathon making and posting with only the inland parcels to go now. I have just one Secret Santa left to make. It’s not needed until 16th December so I have a few days left. Enough to write some Christmas cards and possibly a few more lunches…
I have discovered Stollen! How did I get to here and not try it before? It is gorgeous, and I think, may have to replace mince pies.

Where is stollen on your radar?

MiN November

Julie pins Months in Numbers to her MIN board, pop over and see what others record.
We all do this in a different way, it fascinates me to see what everyone makes a note of.

And here are my numbers for Julies Communal Count.

The Communal Count Nov 2013

This is the beautiful card I received from Jacky.

Scan 1

The link to the Festive Swap Show & Tell is here There are some beautiful decorations linked with more to come…

My Month in Numbers

A brilliant meme by Julie Kirk at Notes on Paper.
Heres mine for October along with Julies Communal Count

MiN Oct 13


I thought you might like to see/be amused by my picture of the International Space Station, with which I am endlessly fascinated. I get e-mails that let me know when it is visible across my bit of the sky and providing it is not cloudy I go into the garden to watch it. I have only been able to get a picture of it on one evening! But actually they would all be the same, wouldn’t they?

Ta Da! with my 50mm lens I present the I.S.S. 240 miles above the surface of the earth!

ISS 16th October

Thank you Julie.

My Month in Numbers

I am linking with Julie at Notes on Paper for her wonderful meme documenting a few things that kept me going through the month. So, what on earth happened to September? it is my favourite month, we have had some beautiful days but here we are in October.
Because of the way I label my project 365 photos I checked that I had the correct day number for today only to notice that it is only 91 days until the end of the year! now that really did depress me…

MiN September

Julies Communal Count

Communal count Sept 13

This is such a fun thing to do…Thank you Julie.