My Month in Numbers…

…and The Communal Count

I’m joining Julie Kirk at Notes on Paper again by recording my November in numbers.

November found me mostly crafting and going out for lunch and coffee! The month just flew by. I have almost finished my marathon making and posting with only the inland parcels to go now. I have just one Secret Santa left to make. It’s not needed until 16th December so I have a few days left. Enough to write some Christmas cards and possibly a few more lunches…
I have discovered Stollen! How did I get to here and not try it before? It is gorgeous, and I think, may have to replace mince pies.

Where is stollen on your radar?

MiN November

Julie pins Months in Numbers to her MIN board, pop over and see what others record.
We all do this in a different way, it fascinates me to see what everyone makes a note of.

And here are my numbers for Julies Communal Count.

The Communal Count Nov 2013

This is the beautiful card I received from Jacky.

Scan 1

The link to the Festive Swap Show & Tell is here There are some beautiful decorations linked with more to come…

7 thoughts on “My Month in Numbers…

  1. Truthfully? I don’t really like Stollen but my husband does so I usually buy him one. Christmas foods we don’t agree on also include bread sauce and cranberry stuffing. Funny how entrenched Christmas eating habits can be!

  2. Stollen? Well, I would have thought I’d hate it, and have avoided it most of my life, but … a friend made some a few years back and I really enjoyed it. I think it was a lot stickier and ‘goo’ier than I’ve seen it in photos so maybe she did something extra special to it!

    As always your number graphic looks fabulous as, no doubt, do those nails! They sound just like Dorothy’s ruby slippers.

    And I’m thrilled that you received a card in November! I *knew* some people sent them earlier [although I felt a bit silly when I didn’t have a number to note down for my own prompt!]

    It’s lovely to hear of the success of your decoration swap – I’ve been seeing photos of them pop up across blogland recently – and everyone sounds so happy to have taken part. All very festive!

    You’re on the board now:

    Happy December to you & yours Miriam.

    Julie 🙂

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