Photo Heart Connection

Kat Sloma hosts a wonderful practice each month called Photo Heart Connection.

Deepen the connection between your photos and your heart and soul by participating in this monthly review of your images, to find the one that best connects to your heart.

November 2013

“What on earth can you see, it’s dark!” She said

“I see a navy blue sky with a bright golden band above silhouettes of branches
and hedges and just a hint of gold, probably leaves being lit by the road lights.
I can also see the brake lights of the car in front. Ok, it won’t be perfect but I’ll give it a little pixel magic and it will remind me of a lovely afternoon with you…

It might even be my Photo Heart Connection this month”


…and so it is. A mediocre picture taken with my phone, a conversation, a bit of magic and a reminder of a lovely afternoon with a very special lady.

There will be some lovely Photo Heart Connections over here on Kat’s blog if you have a moment.

9 thoughts on “Photo Heart Connection

  1. A wonderfully visual reminder that connections come in all shapes, sizes and degrees of blurriness :). You have made something very lovely from the little scraps of life.

  2. There really is some magic here, and it’s transformed your “mediocre” photo into a beautiful painting – a memento of a special shared moment. A perfect photo-heart connection!

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