My Month in Numbers

January 2014

I’m joining in with Julie by recording January in numbers.

Month in Numbers January

31 the number of days of project 365 completed
4 the number of weeks of Frugal Still Life completed
5 the number of weeks of Helena’s new meme Zoom in Zoom Out
5 Lotta days
1 Christmas Dinner complete with trifle because Lotta was here
1 funeral attended but we had
2 baby boys born in our family. One to my niece and the other to Paul’s nephew
21 the number of days my son was away
21 the number of days I missed him
10 the number of fabulous purple nails I have
1 dentist appointment
1 doctors appointment
but 1 trip to the hairdresser for new colours more than made up for that
5 days of Carla Sonheims Gelli Printing class enjoyed.
1 lunch with my group
1 morning out with my friend
1 coffee with friends
70 postcards received from the printers and my only purchase this month, which I didn’t know I needed:
3 very beautiful wooden stamps

This month we decorated my craft room. A major job because I have so much stuff. We took advantage of Ben being away and emptied my room into his unoccupied room. We painted the walls a kind of stone colour. (Dulux Timeless) the woodwork and ceiling are white. I have a new carpet, a kind of honey colour. My desk, bookcases and cupboards are also white. It feels so light and airy. The colour comes from all my stuff! I’ll take some pictures when it’s all done and ‘for one day only’, tidy!

And for Julies Comunal Count…
The C C Jan 2014

7 thoughts on “My Month in Numbers

  1. timeless seems an appropriate name for the walls of your craft room – on balance sounds like a good start to the year (almost typed the dreaded j word then!)

  2. I’m loving the sound of the stone colour and the white, that’s a favourite look for me too. I bet it’s gorgeous.

    It’s weirdly comforting to know that I’m not the only one who spent january on a round of that needed coloured,bits of teeth falling out and the rest!

  3. Welcome to another year of number crunching Miriam – lovely to have you keeping me company into 2014. You know I always like to hear about what your well-dressed nails are wearing each month!

    I’ve been planning a craft room tidy/redecoration and was inspired by all the chic images you find online … then realised that [as I’m not changing my units / open shelves] all my colourful ‘stuff’ – like yours – would all still be on display. So definitely wouldn’t be as chic as those others even if I painted everything else white! Time for (another) rethink on it!

    I haven’t got around to a Communal Count this time – but reading about everyone’s bread choices [before my lunch] is making me a little peckish ….

    You’re on the board now:

    Happy February to you and yours Miriam.

    Julie x

  4. You certainly crammed a lot into your month!
    The new craft room sounds lovely, isn’t it great when somewhere is newly decorated? Photos definitely needed!

  5. I love the way you lay out you MinN pages, it’s like reading a glossy mag!
    Great images to go with some great numbers too – visiting the hairdressers must be a January thing to do!
    Looking forward to next months numbers.

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