My Month in Numbers

A brilliant meme by Julie Kirk at Notes on Paper.
Heres mine for October along with Julies Communal Count

MiN Oct 13


I thought you might like to see/be amused by my picture of the International Space Station, with which I am endlessly fascinated. I get e-mails that let me know when it is visible across my bit of the sky and providing it is not cloudy I go into the garden to watch it. I have only been able to get a picture of it on one evening! But actually they would all be the same, wouldn’t they?

Ta Da! with my 50mm lens I present the I.S.S. 240 miles above the surface of the earth!

ISS 16th October

Thank you Julie.

6 thoughts on “My Month in Numbers

  1. I feel so much better informed for seeing the space station today Miriam!
    Loved your previous post too – couldn’t access the comments area to leave you one though.

  2. I always enjoy the way you present your month in numbers :). Sorry to hear about the car AND the Mac :(. Have they sorted the diagnostics? And would love to know more about your fascination with the space station …

  3. A sewing machine AND the Mac on the fritz! That’s no fun! What kind of sewing machine did you purchase? I’m sure mine is on it’s last legs, though the repair man keeps telling me it’s worth fixing.

  4. I love reading these monthly posts! Such fun to see the highlights (and lowlights – so many things breaking!) of the month, and you present them beautifully. Love your giraffe. And I laughed out loud at your picture of the ISS – mainly because I have a very similar picture!

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